
Baker, Simon

Microbiology/ Simon Baker, Jane Nicklin, Caroline Griffiths - 4th ed. - New York: Garland Science, 2012. - viii, 352 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (BIOS instant notes) .

Preface --
Section A. The microbial world --
Al. The microbial world --
Section B. Systematics --
Bl. Prokaryotic systematics --
B2. Identification of Bacteria --
B3. Inference of phylogeny from rRNA gene sequence --
Section C. Microbiology --
C1. Discovery and history --
C2. Prokaryotic diversity --
C3. Culture of bacteria in die laboratory --
C4. Enumeration of microorganisms --
C5. Looking at microbes --
C6. The major prokaryotic groups --
C7. Composition of a typical prokaryotic cell --
C8. The bacterial cell wall --
C9. Cell division --
C10. Bacterial flagella and movement --
C11. Prokaryotes and their environment --
Section D. Microbial growth --
D1. Measurement of microbial growth --
D2. Batch culture in the laboratory --
D3. Large-scale and continuous culture --
Section E. Microbial metabolism --
E1. Heterotrophic pathways --
E2. Electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, and & beta;-oxidation of fatty acids --
E3. Autotrophic reactions --
E4. Other unique microbial biochemical pathways --
Section F. Prokaryotic DNA and RNA metabolism --
F1. DNA --
the primary informational macromolecule --
F2. Genomes --
F3. DNA replication --
F4. Transcription --
F5. Messenger RNA and translation --
F6. Signal transduction and environmental sensing --
F7. DNA repair --
F8. Transfer of DNA between cells --
F9. Recombination --
F10. Bacteriophages --
Fll. Plasmids --
Section G. Industrial microbiology --
Gl. Biotechnology --
G2. Food microbiology --
G3. Recombinant microorganisms in biotechnology --
G4. Microbial bioproducts --
Section H. Eukaryotic microbes: an overview --
H1. Taxonomy --
H2. Eukaryotic cell structure --
H3. Cell division and ploidy --
Section I. The fungi and related phyla --
I1. Fungal structure and growth --
I2. Fungal nutrition --
I3. Reproduction in fungi --
I4. Beneficial effects --
I5. Detrimental effects --
Section J. Archaeplastida, Excavata, Chromalveolata, and Amoebozoa --
J1. Taxonomy and structure --
J2. Nutrition and metabolism --
J3. Life cycles --
J4. Beneficial effects --
J5. Detrimental effects --
Section K. The viruses --
K1. Virus structure --
K2. Virus taxonomy --
K3. Virus genomes --
K4. Virus proteins --
K5. Cell culture and virus propagation --
K6. Virus assay --
K7. Virus replication --
K8. Virus infections --
K9. Viruses and the immune system --
K10. Virus vaccines --
Kll. Antiviral chemotherapy --
K12. Plant viruses --
K13. Prions and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies --
Further reading --
Abbreviations --



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