India's north east: identity movements, state, and civil society/

Misra, Udayon.

India's north east: identity movements, state, and civil society/ Udayon Misra. - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2014. - viii, 366 p. ; 23 cm.

Section A: Northeast India: Roots of Alienation
1. India's Northeast: Tracing Some of the Early Roots of Alienation
2. Assam and the Partition: Caught in the Time Warp
3. Who 'Owns' India: The Meaning of 'My' in 'My Country'
Section B: Course and Character of the Naga Struggle
4. The Naga National Question
5. Naga Nationalism and the Role of the Middle Class
6. Portrait of a Naga 'Hostile'
7. CPI and the Naga Struggle
8. Alternate Voices in the Naga Movement
Section C: Assam : Identity Movements and Insurgent Politics
9. Immigration and Identity Transformation in Assam
10. Targeting the Innocent
11. No Tears for the Liberators
12. ULFA: Beginning of the End
13. Peace Talks or the Fall of the Curtain for ULFA?
14. Bodo Stir: Complex Issues, Unattainable Demands
15. Bodoland: The Burden of History
16. Assam Tea: The Bitter Brew
17. Fresh Tension in Upper Assam Tea Belt
18. The Adivasi Struggle
Section D: State and Civil Society in Northeast India
19. Comparing the Naga and Assam Peace Processes
20. Naga Peace Talks: High Hopes and Hard Realities
21. Assam: Towards a Viable Peace or a Cul-De-Sac?
22. Roll Call of the Dead
23. Army Killings in Assam
24. Asom Sahitya Sabha
25. KMSS: Giving a New Edge to People's Protests
26. Hereditary Power Structures, Traditional Institutions and Representative Democracy
About the Author


Politics and government
Social movements
Ethnic relations
Civil society
Ethnic conflict
Separatist movements
Group identity

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