Contemporary sociology: an introduction to concepts and theories/

Abraham, M. francis.

Contemporary sociology: an introduction to concepts and theories/ Francis M Abraham - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015. - xiv, 327 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

List of Tables and Figures ; Acknowledgements ; Note for Teachers and Students ; I THE FIELD OF SOCIOLOGY ; 1 DEFINING SOCIOLOGY ; What is Sociology? ; Sociology and Other Social Sciences ; The Sociological Perspective ; The Founding Fathers of Sociology ; Auguste Comte ; Karl Marx ; Herbert Spencer ; Emile Durkheim ; Max Weber ; Contemporary Sociology ; 2 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES IN SOCIOLOGY ; What is Sociological Theory? ; Types of Sociological Theory ; Speculative Theories vs. Grounded Theories ; Grand Theories vs. Miniature Theories ; Macro Theories vs. Micro Theories ; Functions of Sociological Theory ; Mainline Theories in Sociology ; Evolutionary Theory ; Structural-functionalism ; Conflict Theory ; The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory ; Symbolic Interactionism ; Exchange Theory ; Choosing and Using Sociological Theory ; Theoretical Perspectives in a Global Age ; 3 METHODS OF RESEARCH IN SOCIOLOGY ; The Scientific Approach ; Basic Principles ; Steps in the Research Process ; Selection of the Topic ; Review of Literature ; Formulation of Hypotheses ; Selection of Research Design ; Collection of Data ; Analysis of Data ; Writing the Report and Sharing the Results ; Methods of Research ; Surveys ; Experiments ; Observational Studies: Participant and Non-participant Observation ; Analysis of Secondary Data ; Quantitative Vs. Qualitative Research ; Issues in Sociological Research ; II THE FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIETY ; 4 CULTURE ; The Meaning of Culture ; Components of Culture ; Beliefs ; Values ; Language ; Norms ; Technology ; Cultural Orientation ; Cultural Diversity ; Cultural Change ; Towards a Global Culture? ; 5 SOCIALIZATION ; Heredity and Environment ; The Results of Deprived Socialization ; Theories of Socialization ; Sociological Theories ; Psychological Theories ; Agents of Socialization ; The Family ; Peer Groups ; The School ; Mass Media ; Adult Socialization ; Resocialization ; Total Institutions ; SOCIALIZATION BY CASTE, RELIGION, AND GENDER ; 6 SOCIAL INTERACTION ; Verbal and Non-verbal Communication ; Crystallization of Social Action ; Nature of Social Interaction ; Theories of Social Interaction ; Dramaturgical Approach ; Ethnomethodology ; The Structure of Social Interaction ; Status ; Role ; Forms of Social Interaction ; Cooperation ; Competition ; Conflict ; Accommodation ; Exchange ; Virtual Networking ; 7 TYPES OF SOCIETIES AND GROUPS ; Evolution of Societies ; HUNTING AND GATHERING SOCIETIES ; Horticultural Societies ; Pastoral Societies ; Agrarian Societies ; Industrial and Post-industrial Societies ; Three Typologies ; Mechanical and Organic Solidarity: Emile Durkheim ; Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Ferdinand Tonnies ; Folk and Urban Societies: Robert Redfield ; Types of Social Groups ; Aggregate ; Societal Group ; Social Group ; Associational Group ; Primary and Secondary Groups ; In-groups and Out-groups ; Reference Groups ; Electronic Communities ; Formal Organizations and Bureaucracy ; Size and Group Dynamics ; Social Organization ; 8 DEVIANCE AND SOCIAL CONTROL ; What is Deviance? ; The Normality of Crime: Durkheim ; Consequences of Deviance ; Theories of Deviant Behaviour ; Biological Theories ; Psychological Theories ; Sociological Theories ; Anomie Theory ; Differential Association Theory ; Labelling Theory ; Conflict Theory ; Gender and Deviance ; Crime and Criminals ; Social Control ; Informal Social Control ; FORMAL SOCIAL CONTROL ; III SOCIAL INEQUALITY ; 9 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION ; Three Systems of Stratification ; The Estate System ; The Caste System ; The Class System ; Race, Gender, and Stratification ; Dimensions of Social Stratification ; Theories of Stratification ; Functional Theory ; Conflict theory ; Global Systems of Stratification ; Caste and Class in India ; Lifestyles and Life-chances ; Social Mobility ; 10 MINORITIES AND WEAKER SECTIONS ; Prejudice and Discrimination ; Patterns of Majority-Minority Relations ; Minority Responses ; Minority Groups in India ; Persons with Disabilities ; The Aged ; Women as a Minority ; Women in India ; Dalits and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) ; Tribes in India ; Minority by Sexual Orientation ; IV SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS ; 11 THE FAMILY ; Types of Families ; Marriage Patterns ; Functions of the Family ; The Future of Marriage and Family ; Marriage and Family in India ; Global Trends in Marriage and Family ; Domestic Violence ; 12 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY ; State and Government ; Functions of the State ; Social Control ; Defence ; Welfare ; Types of States ; Autocracy ; Totalitarianism ; Democracy ; Types of Economy ; Capitalism ; Socialism ; Mixed Economy ; Democratic Socialism ; Power and Authority ; Theories of Power in Societies ; The Power Elite Model ; The Pluralist Model ; The Indian Political Scene ; Globalization and Corporate Capitalism ; 13 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM ; Functions of Education ; Socialization ; Cultural Transmission ; Social Placement ; Innovation ; Social Integration ; Critical Thinking ; Inequality in Education ; Education and the UN Millennium Development Goals ; Education in India ; 14 RELIGION ; Religions among the 'Primitive' People ; Elements of Religion ; Some Related Concepts ; Magic ; Sect ; Cult ; Contemporary Sociological Perspectives on Religion ; Key Sociological Theories on Religion ; The Functionalist Perspective ; The Conflict Perspective ; Durkheim's Theory of Religion ; Recent Trends in Religion ; Secularization ; Resacralization ; Fundamentalism ; Religion in India ; V SOCIAL CHANGE ; 15 POPULATION AND URBANIZATION ; The Basic Concepts ; Fertility ; Mortality ; Migration ; Theoretical Perspectives ; Malthusian Theory of Population ; Demographic Transition Theory ; Population Explosion: Causes and Consequences ; A Note on Population in India ; Urbanization ; Theoretical Perspectives ; Georg Simmel: Metropolis and Mental Life ; Louis Wirth: Urbanism as a Way of Life ; Urbanization in India ; 16 COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS ; Theories of Collective Behaviour ; Contagion Theory ; Emergent Norm Theory ; Convergence Theory ; Value-added Theory ; Forms of Collective Behaviour ; Crowds ; Dispersed Collective Behaviour ; Rumour ; Fads and Fashions ; Social Movements ; Theories of Social Movements ; Relative Deprivation Theory ; Resource Mobilization Theory ; Political Opportunity/Political Process Theory ; New Social Movements ; The Life-cycle of Social Movements ; Social Movements in India ; Environmental Movements ; Women's Movements ; Caste-oriented Movements ; 17 SOCIAL CHANGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ; Theories of Social Change ; Evolutionary Theory ; Functional Theory ; Conflict Theory ; Sources of Social Change ; PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ; Technology ; Cultural Contacts and Diffusion ; Values and Ideology ; The Process of Social Change ; Social Change in India ; Environment ; Sustainable Development ; Further Readings ; Index ; About the Author



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