Sociological theory/

Ritzer, George

Sociological theory/ George Ritzer, - 5th. ed. - New Delhi : McGraw Hill, 2000. - xxiii,769p. : ill. ; 27cm.

Classical sociological theory.
A historical sketch of sociological theory: the early years --
Karl Marx --
Emile Durkheim --
Max Weber --
Georg Simmel --
Modern sociological theory: the major schools. A historical sketch of socioilogical theory: the later years --
Structural functionalism, systems theory, and conflict theory --
Varieties of neo-Marxian theory --
Symbolic interactionism --
Etnomethodology --
Exchange, network, and rational choice theories --
Contemporary feminist theory --
Micro-macro and agency-structure integration --
From modern to pstmodern social theory (and beyond). Contemporary theories of modernity --
Theories of race and colonialism --
Globalization theory --
Structuralism, poststructuralism, and postmodern social theory --
Social theory in the 21st century.


Sociologists -- Biography.

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