Cases in public policy and administration: from ancient times to the present/

Shafritz,Jay M.

Cases in public policy and administration: from ancient times to the present/ Jay M. Shafritz,Christopher Borick - Boston : Longman, 2011. - 281p. : 24cm.

Part I The Development of U.S. Public Administration;
Chapter 1 Sherlock Holmes and the Case of Scientific Management: How the World's Most Famous Detective Was a Pivotal Influence on the Development of U.S. Public Administration;
Chapter 2 Muckrakers and Reformers to the Rescue: How the Progressive Movement Created Modern Public Administration from the Muck of Corruption, Indifference, and Ignorance;
Part II Public Policy Making.
Chapter 3 The Case for Understanding the Critical Role of Doctrine in Public Policy Making: ""Seeing"" Policy Evolve Through the Lenses of the Doctrinal Development Cycle
Chapter 4 Who Really Made the Decision to Drop the First Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima?: Was It President Harry S. Truman or His Advisors, the Chief Executive or His Team of Technical Experts?;
Part III The Machinery of Government.
Chapter 5 How the Ideas of an Academic Economist, Friedrich A. Hayek, Led to the Thatcher Revolution in Great Britain, Inspired the Reagan Revolution in the United States, and Pushed the World's Global Economy into Its Worst Crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s
Chapter 6 From German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck to U.S. President Bill Clinton: How Political Leaders Created the Modern Welfare State Using Social Insurance as an Alternative to Socialism; Part IV Intergovernmental Relations.
Chapter 7 Gun Shows, Gun Laws, and Gun Totin': Second Amendment Fanatics Versus All Levels of Government
Chapter 8 The Politics-Administration Dichotomy Negated Again: How the Rove Doctrine Subordinated State, Local, and National Environmental Policy to the Service of the Republican Party; Part V Ethics;
Chapter 9 The Gas Chamber of Philadelphia: How a 1977 Incident at Independence Mall Illustrates the "Banality of Evil" Concept First Applied to Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi Holocaust Administrator.
Chapter 10 The Red Ink of Orange County: When Is It Ethical for Public Treasurers to Gamble with Public Money? Only When You Win!Part VI Organization Theory;
Chapter 11 Using Systems Theory to Understand How Sun Tzu Predictably Turned Concubines into Soldiers in Ancient China; and How Chaos Theory Explains Why Systems Are Ultimately Unpredictable Even When They Are Otherwise Understood;
Chapter 12 Using William Shakespeare's Plays to Prove That He Was an Instinctive and Early Organization Theorist: Whether in a Beehive or the Court of Elizabeth I, He Knew How Honey (or Money) Got Things Done.

020560742X 9781315664637

Policy sciences.
Political planning -- United States.
Political planning.

320.60973 / JAYSH
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