Psychological testing/

Anastasi, Anne

Psychological testing/ Anne Anastasi, Susana Urbina - 7th ed. - New Delhi: Prentice, 1997. - 721 p.

Nature and Use of Psychological Tests 2
Uses and Varieties of Psychological Tests
What Is a Psychological Test?
Why Control the Use of Psychological Tests?
Test Administration 13
Examiner and Situational Variables
A View from the Test-Taker's Perspective
Effects of Training on Test Performance
Sources of Information about Tests
Historical Antecedents of Modern Testing
Early Interest in Classification and Training of Mentally Retarded Persons
The First Experimental Psychologists
Contributions of Francis Galton
Cattell and the Early "Mental Tests"
Binet and the Rise of Intelligence Tests
Group Testing
Aptitude Testing
Standardized Achievement Tests
Assessment of Personality
Norms and the Meaning of Test Scores
Statistical Concepts
Developmental Norms
Within-Group Norms
Relativity of Norms
Computers and the Interpretation of Test Scores
Domain-Referenced Test Interpretation
Minimum Qualifications and Cutoff Scores
4 Reliability
The Correlation Coefficient
Types of Reliability
Reliability of Speeded Tests
Dependence of Reliability Coefficients on the Sample Tested
Standard Error of Measurement
Reliability Applied to Mastery Testing and Cutoff Scores
5 Validity: Basic Concepts
Evolving Concepts of Test Validity
Content-Description Procedures
Criterion-Prediction Procedures
Construct-ldentification Procedures
Overview and Integration
6 Validity: Measurement and Interpretation
Validity Coefficient and Error of Estimate
Test Validity and Decision Theory
Combining Information from Different Tests
Use of Tests for Classification Decisions
Statistical Analyses of Test Bias
7 Item Analysis
Item Difficulty
Item Discrimination
Item Response Theory
Item Analysis of Speeded Tests
Differential Item Functioning
Explorations in Item Development
8 Individual Tests
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
The Wechsler Scales
The Kaufman Scales
Differential Ability Scales
Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System
9 Tests for Special Populations
Infant and Preschool Testing
Comprehensive Assessment of Mentally Retarded Persons
Testing Persons with Physical Disabilities
Multicultural Testing
10 Group Testing
Group Tests versus Individual Tests
Adaptive Testing and Computer-Based Administration
Multilevel Batteries
Measuring Multiple Aptitudes
11 Nature of Intelligence
Meaning of an IQ
Heritahility and Modifiability
Motivation and Intelligence
Factor Analysis of Intelligence
Theories of Trait Organization
Nature and Development of Traits
12 Psychological Issues in Ability Testing
Longitudinal Studies of Children's Intelligence
Intelligence In Early Childhood
Problems in the Testing of Adult Intelligence
Population Changes in Intelligence Test Performance
Cultural Diversity
Content-Related Procedures ,-i ,
Empirical Criterion Keying . . .
Factor Analysis in Test Development , , '
Personality Theory in Test Development
Test-Taking Attitudes and Response Biases
Traits, States, Persons, and Situations
Current Status of Personality Inventories \ ,
14 Measuring Interests and Attitudes
Interest Inventories: Current Setting
The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) ,
Interest Inventories: Overview and Some Highlights .r « ,
■ >l i.
Some Significant Trends
Opinion Surveys and Attitude Scales
Locus of Control
15 Projective Techniques
Nature of Projective Techniques
Inkblot Techniques
Pictorial Techniques
Verbal Techniques
Autobiographical Memories
Performance Techniques
Evaluation of Projective Techniques
16 Other Assessment Techniques
Measures of Styles and Types
Situaticnal Tests
Self-Concepts and Personal Constructs
Observer Reports
17 Major Contexts of Current Test Use
Educational Testing
Occupational Testing
Test Use in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
18 Ethical and Sodal Considerations in Testing
Ethical Issues in Psychological Testing and Assessment
User Qualifications and Professional Competence
Responsibilities of Test Publishers
Protection of Privacy
Communicating Test Results
Testing Diverse Populations


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