Diseases off poultry/

Thyagar, D.

Diseases off poultry/ D.Thyagar - New Delhi: Satish serial publishing house, 2014. - 225p.

Preface v
Chapter-1: Introduction 1
Chapter-2: AvianPhysiology 5
Chapter-3: Immune SystemofDomestic Fowl 13
Chapter-4: GeneticResistance to Poultry Diseases .... 19
Chapter-5: Transmission of Diseases ..i 23
Chapter-6: Microbes-Secondary in Poultry Disease .. 27
Chapter-7: Poultry Disease Investigation 31
Chapter-8: New Castle Disease 39
Chapter-9: Fowl Pox 45
Chapter-10: Infectious Laryngeotrachitis 49
Contents / via
Chapter-11: Infectious Bronchitis 53
Chapter-12: Infectious Bursal Disease
(Gumboro Disease) 59
Chapter-13 : Mareks Disease 65
Chapter-14: Lymphoid Leucosis 69
Chapter-15 :
Avian Influenza 73
Chapter-16: Avian Encephalomyelitis 79
Chapter-17: Avian Reovirus 81
Chapter-18: EggDrop Syndrome 83
Chapter-19 : Chicken Anaemia 87
Chapter-20: Inclusion Body Hepatitis 91
Chapter-21: Hydropericardial Hepatitis 95
Chapter-22 : Salmonellosis 99
Chapter-23: Pullorum Disease 103
C/zflpter-24; Fowl Tyjphoid... 107
Chapter-25 : Fowl Cholera Ill
Chapter-26 : E-coli 115
Chapter-27: Infectious Coryza 119
Chapter-28: AvianTuberculosis 123
Chapter-29: Chronic Respiratory Disease 127
Protozoan Infection-Coccidiosis 131
Chapter-31: Ectoparasites 137
Chapter-32 : Endoparasites 143
Chapter-33 : Mycotic Disease 147
Chapter-34: Mycotoxicosis 151
Chapter-35: Nutritional Deficiency Diseases 155
Chapter-36 : Vaccines and Vaccination 167
Chapter-3 7: Disinfectants and Disinfection 171
Chapter-38 : Hatchery Sanitation 177
Chapter-39: Quality of Chicks *. 183
Chapter-40: Farm Hygiene 187
Chapter-41:Water Hygiene 191
Chapter-42 : Role Of Water in Poultry Production 195
Chapter-43: Adulteration in Poultry Feed 203
Chapter-44: Hazards of Ammonia In Poultry Farm .. 207
Chapter-45: Hazards Of Excess Moisture in Poultry
Farm 211
Chapter-46 : Litter Management 215

Chapter-47: Poultry Management in Summer 219
Chapter-48: Poultry Management in Winter 223
Chapter-49: Noise Management in Poultry 227

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