A science of decision making: the legacy of ward edwards

A science of decision making: the legacy of ward edwards edited by jie W. Weiss, David J. Weiss - New York: OUP, 2008. - 511 p.

1. 'File 'Flieorx' of Decision Making [1954] \ Ward Edwards
2. Behavioral Decision Tiieon,' [1961] \ Ward Edwards
3. Probabilitv Learning in 1000 Trials [1961] \ Ward Edwards
4. D\ nainic Decision Theory and Probabilistic Information
Processing ] 1962] \ Ward Edwards
5. Snbjccti\ c Probabilities Inferred from Decisions [1962] \ Ward Edwards
6. Conservatism in a Simple Probabilit}' Inference Task [1966] \
Lawrence D. Phillips and Ward Edwards
7. JUDCK: A Laboratory- Lvalnation [1969] \ L. W. Miller,
R. ]. Kaplan, and Ward Edwards
8. Bayesian and Regression Models of Human Information Processing:
A M\opic Perspective [1971] \ Ward Edwards
9. Choices Among Bets by Las Vegas Gamblers [1973] \ Dennis G. Fr)'back,
Barbara C. Goodman, and Ward Edwards
10. 1 lailfinder: Tools for and Experiences with Bayesian
Normative iVIodeling [1998] \ Ward Edwards
11. Papers on Statistics and Methodology
11. Costs and Payoffs are Instructions [1961] \ Ward Edwards
12. Bayesian Statistical Inference for Psychological Research [1963] \
Ward Edwards, Harold Lindman, and Leonard /. Savage
13. Tactical Note on the Relation Between Scientific and
Statistical Hypotheses [1965] \ Ward Edwards
14. Boredom-Induced Changes in Preferences Among Bets [1965] \
Paul Slovic, Sarah Lichtenstein, and Ward Edwards
15. Human Cognitive Capabilities, Representativeness, and
Ground Rules for Research [1983] \ Ward Edwards
16. Costs and Payoffs in Perceptual Research [19821 \
Detlof von Winterfeldt and Ward Edwards
17. Murder and (of?) the Likelihood Principle: A 1 l ialogue [1990] \
Ward Edwards, David A. Schitm, and Robert L W inkler
18. A Mean for all Seasons [2005] \ David J. Weiss and Ward Edwards
19. The Clinical Significance Decision [written for this vohiine] \
David J. WeisH, Ward Edwards, and Jie W. Weiss
20. 1 he iVIeasnrenient of Beha\ior: Indices and Standards (written for
this volnnie] \ David f. Weiss, Ward Edwards, and James Slianteaii
21. Subjective Probabilities in Medical Diagnosis [ 1969] \ Dciv/d El. Gustafson,
Ward Edwards, Lawrence D. Phillips, and Warner V. Slack
22. N = 1; Diagnosis in Unique Cases [ 1972] \ Ward Edwards
23. Divide and Conquer: How to Use lakelihood and Value Judgments in
Decision Making [ 1973] \ Ward Edwards
24. Likelihood Ratios as a Measure of the Diagnostic Usefulness of Kxcreton'
Urogram Information [1975] \ John R. Thomhury', Dennis C. En'hack,
and Ward J'idwards
25. Diagnosis and Treatment [written for this volume] \ James Shanteau,
Ward Edwards, and David J. Weiss
26. Public Values: Multiattribute-Utilit)' Measurement for Social Decision
Making [1975] \ Peter C. Gardiner and Ward Edwards
27. How to Use Multiattribute Utility IVIeasuremcnt for Social
Decisionmaking [1977] \ Ward Edwards
28A. Multiattribute Utility Measurement: Kvaluating Desegregation Plans
in a Highly Political Context [1979] \ Ward Edwards
28B. Reflections on and Criticisms of a Highly Political Multiattribute
Utility Analysis [1980] \ Ward Edwards
29. Evaluating Credit Applications: A Validation of Multiattribute Utility
Weight Elicitation Techniques [ 1983] \ William G. Stillwell,
E. JrJutton Barren, and Ward Edwards
30. SMARTS and SMARTER: Improved Simple Methods for Multiattribute
Utility Measurement [1994] \ Ward Edwards and F. Ehitton Barren
31. Decision Technology [2001] \ Ward Edwards and B. Easolo
32. The Puzzle of Adolescent Substance Initiation [written for this volume] \
Jie W. Weiss, Ward Edwards, and Michele Mouttapa
33. Big decisions, little decisions: The Hierarchy of Everyday Life [written
for this volume] \ Jie W. Weiss, David J. Weiss, and Ward Edwards
34. The Clinical Decision Tree of Oral Health in Geriatrics [written
for this volume] \ Janet G. Bauer, Sue S. Spackman, and Ward Edwards
35. Why is a Bird in the Hand Worth Two in the Bush? [written for
this volume] \ David J. Weiss, Ward Edwards, and Jie W. Weiss
V. Obituaries
36. Obituar)- [2003] \ hy Dennis G. Fnhack
37. Obiluan' [2005] \ by Lawrence D. Phillips
38. Obituary [2005] \ hy David J. Weiss and James Shanteau


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