Indiagenous fruit trees in the tropics/

Indiagenous fruit trees in the tropics/ domestication utilization and commercialization Akinnifesi,F.K...[et al]. - 1st.e.d - UK: CABI, 2007. - 438

Contents: PART 1: SETTING THE SCENE1: Setting priorities among indigenous fruit tree species in Africa: Examples from southern, eastern and western Africa regions2: Towards domestication strategy for indigenous fruit trees in the tropics3: Challenges to stimulating the adoption and impact of indigenous fruit trees in tropical agriculturePART II: INDIGENOUS FRUIT TREE DOMESTICATION IN ASIA, LATIN AMERICA and OCEANIA4: Domestication of trees or of forests: development pathways for fruit tree production in southeast Asia5: Homegarden-based indigenous fruit tree production in peninsular India6: Native fruit tree improvement in Amazonia: an overview7: The domestication of fruits and nut trees species in Vanuatu, OceaniaPART III: REGIONAL DOMESTICATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA8: Creating opportunities for domesticating and commercializing miombo indigenous fruit trees in Southern Africa9: Domestication, utilisation and marketing of indigenous fruit trees: Experiences from West and Central Africa10: Strengthening rural livelihoods through domestication of indigenous fruit trees in the parklands of the Sahel11: The role of indigenous fruit trees in sustainable dryland agriculture in Eastern AfricaPART IV: THE BIOPHYSICAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC CONTEXT OF MIOMBO FRUIT TREES12: Marketing of indigenous fruits in southern Africa13: Economics of on-farm production of indigenous fruits14: Opportunities for commercialization and enterprise development of indigenous fruits in southern Africa15: The feasibility of small-scale indigenous fruit processing enterprises in Southern Africa16: Product development: nutritional value, processing and utilization of indigenous fruits from the miombo ecosystem17: Germplasm, propagation and nursery management of miombo fruit trees18: Pest management in high commercial value indigenous fruit treesPART V: LESSONS FOR COMODITIZING INDIGENOUS FRUIT TREES AND NUTS IN THE TROPICS19: Accelerated domestication and commercialization of indigenous fruit and nut trees to enhance better livelihoods in the tropics: Lessons and way forward


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