Media Power in Politics/

Media Power in Politics/ Graber, Doris A. [ed.] - 6th ed. - Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2012. - xi, 466p.

I. PUTTING MASS MEDIA EFFECTS IN PERSPECTIVE1. How Information Shapes Political Institutions - Bruce Bimber
2. Documenting the Persuasive Power of the News Media - Jonathan McDonald Ladd and Gabriel S. Lenz
3. Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press - Michael Schudson
4. Political Communication - Old and New Media Relationships - Michael Gurevitch, Stephen Coleman, and Jay G. Blumler
5. Losing the News: The Future of the News that Feeds Democracy - Alex S. Jones
6. What Amateur Journalism Means for International Affairs - Steven Livingston, Kaye Sweetser Tramell and David D. PerlmutterII. SHAPING THE POLITICAL AGENDA AND PUBLIC OPINION
7. What Moves Public Opinion? - Benjamin I. Page, Robert Y. Shapiro, and Glenn R. Dempsey
8. Disdaining the Media: The American Public's Changing Attitudes toward the News - Paul Gronke and Timothy Cook
9. How Soft News Brings Policy Issues to the Inattentive Public - Matthew A. Baum
10. News Coverage Effects on Public Opinion about Crime - Frank D. Gilliam Jr. and Shanto Iyengar
11. Wanted, Dead or Alive: Media Frames, Frame Adoption, and Support for the War in Afghanistan - Jill A. Edy and Patrick C. Meirick
12. Audience Fragmentation and Political Inequality in the Post-Broadcast Media Environment - Markus PriorIII. INFLUENCING ELECTION OUTCOM
13. News and the Visual Framing of Elections - Maria Elizabeth Grabe and Erik Page Bucy
14. Learning about the Candidates - Darrell M. West
15. The Miscast Institution - Thomas E. Patterson
16. New Media and the Revitalisation of Politics - Rachel Gibson 17. Electing the President 2008: The Insiders' View - Nicolle Wallace and Anita Dunn
18. Open Season: How the News Media Cover Presidential Campaigns in the Age of Attack Journalism - Larry J. Sabato IV. CONTROLLING MEDIA POWER: POLITICAL ACTORS VERSUS THE PRESS
19. The Struggle over Shaping the News - Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter
20. Going Public as Political Strategy: The Bush Administration, an Echoing Press, and Passage of the Patriot Act - David Domke, Erica S. Graham, Kevin Coe, Sue Lockett John, and Ted Coopman
21. Manipulating the Message in the U.S. Congress - Patrick J. Sellers
22. Strategies of the American Civil Rights Movement - Doug McAdam
23. The Al Jazeera Effect: How the New Global Media Are Reshaping World Politics - Philip Seib
24. A Symbiotic Relationship: Bloggers and Journalists - Richard DavisV. GUIDING PUBLIC POLICIES
25. The Politics of Uncertainty: Lobbyists and Propaganda in Early Twentieth-Century America - Christopher M. Loomis
26. Mediating the Public's Influence on Foreign Policy - Robert M. Entman
27. The Real War Will Never Get on Television: An Analysis of Casualty Imagery - Sean Aday
28. Local Media, Public Opinion, and State Legislative Policies: Agenda Setting at the State Level - Yue Tan and David H. Weaver 29. The Soap Opera Path to Health Policy Goals - May G. Kennedy, Ann O'Leary, Vicki Beck, Katrina Pollard, and Penny Simpson
30. End of Television and Foreign Policy - Monroe E. Price VI. REGULATING AND MANIPULATING MEDIA EFFECTS
31. What Makes a Communications Regulator Independent and Why It Matters - Irene Wu
32. Communications Policy and the Public Interest - Patricia Aufderheide
33. The Watchdog Role of the Press - W. Lance Bennett and William Serrin
34. Terrorism, Censorship, and the First Amendment - Doris A. Graber
35. The News Shapers: Strategic Communication as a Third Force in Newsmaking - Jarol B. Manheim
36. The Internet and Public Policy - Helen Z. Margetts


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