The peach: botany, production and uses/

The peach: botany, production and uses/ edited by Desmond R Layne - UK: CABI, 2008. - xvi, 615 p.

1. Botany and Taxonomy 1
D. Bm^si nihi R. Monet
2. History of Cultivation and Trends in China 37
H. Hiinng, Z. Chcn Z. ZImnami Y. Wang
3. Classical Genetics and Breeding 61
R. Monet and D. Bnssi
4. Genetic Engineering and Genomics 85
A.G. Abbott, P. An'is and R. Scorzn
5. Low-chill Cultivar Development 106
B.L. Topp, W.B. Shannan and M.C.B. Raseira
6. Fresh Market Cultivar Development 139
W.R. Okie, T. Bacon and D. Bassi
7. Processing Peach Cultivar Development 175
T.M. Gradziel and j.P. McCaa
8. Rootstock Development 193
G.L Reighard and F. Loreti
9. Propagation Techniques
F. Loreti and S. Morini
10. Carbon Assimilation, Partitioning and Budget Modelling 244
T.M. Dejoti^ and A. Moin^
11. Orchard Planting Systems
L CoreUi-Grnppndelli and R.P. Marini
12. Crop Load Management
R.P. Marini and G.L. Reighard
13. Nutrient and Water Requirements of Peach Trees 303
R.S. Johnson
14. Orchard Floor Management Systems 332
T.J. Tworkoski and D.M. Glenn
15. Diseases of Peach Caused by Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms: Biology,
Epidemiology and Management
j.E. Adaskaveg, G. Schnabel and H. Fbrster
16. Diseases Caused by Prokaryotes — Bacteria and Phytoplasmas 407
D.F. Ritchie, M. Barba and M.C. Pagani
17. Viruses and Viroids of Peach Trees ^35
M. Cambra, R. Flores, V. Pallas, P. Gentit and T. Candresse
18. Insects and Mites
D.L Norton, j. Finest and P. Cravedi
19. Nematodes
A.P. Nyczepir and D. Esmenjaud
20. Preharvest Factors Affecting Peach Quality
C.H. Crisosto and G. Costa
21. Ripening, Nutrition and Postharvest Physiology
A. Rantina, P. Tonutti and B. McGlasson
22. Harvesting and Postharvest Handling of Peaches for the Fresh Market 575
C.H. Crisosto and D. Valero
Index 597
Colour plates 1-73 can be found following p. 144.
Colour plates 74-163 can be found following p. 336.
Colour plates 164-245 can be found following p. 496.


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