States versus Markets/

States versus Markets/ the emergence of a golbal economy Schwartz, Herman M. - 3rd ed. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1994. - xii,347p.

States, agriculture, and globalization --
The rise of the modern state : from street gangs to mafias --
States, markets, and the origins of international inequality --
Economic and hegemonic cycles --
The Industrial Revolution and late development --
Agricultural exporters and the search for labor --
Agriculture-led growth and crisis in the periphery : Ricardian success, Ricardian failure --
The collapse of the nineteenth-century economy : the erosion of hegemony? --
The fall and rise and fall again of globalization --
The Depression, US domestic politics, and the foundation of the post-World War II system --
International money, capital flows, and domestic politics --
Transnational firms : a war of all against all --
Industrialization in the old agricultural periphery : the rise of the newly industrialized countries --
Trade, protection, and renewed globalization --
US hegemony : declining from below? --
US hegemony and global stability : reviving or declining from the top down?


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