SPSS for Psychologists: a guide to data analysis using spss for windows

SPSS for Psychologists: a guide to data analysis using spss for windows Brace,Nicola - 3rd.ed. - New Nork: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. - 420 p.

Chapter One Introduction
1 Psychological research and SPSS
2 Some basic statistical concepts
3 Working with SPSS
4 Starting SPSS
5 How to exit from SPSS
6 Some useful,option settings in SPSS
Chapter Two Data entry in SPSS
1 The Data Editor window
2 Defining a variable in SPSS
3 Entering data
4 Saving a data file
5 Opening a data file
6 Data entry exercises
7 Answers to data entry exercises
8 Summary descriptive statistics and the Viewer window
Chapter Three Tests of difference for two sample designs
1 An introduction to the /-test
2 The independent /-test
3 The paired /-test
4 An introduction to the nonparametric equivalents of the /-test
5 The Mann-Whitney test
6 The Wilcoxon test
Chapter Four Tests of correlation
1 An introduction to tests of correlation
2 Descriptive statistics in correlation
3 Pearson's r: parametric test of correlation
4 Spearman's r: nonparametric test of correlation
Chapter Five Tests for nominal data
1 Nominal data and dichotomous variables
2 Chi-square tests versus the chi-square distribution
3 The goodness-of-fit chi-square
4 The multi-dimensional chi-square
5 The McNemar test for repeated measures
Chapter Six Data handling
1 An introduction to data handling
2 Sorting a file
3 Splitting a file
4 Selecting cases
5 Recoding values
6 Computing new variables
7 Counting values
8 Ranking cases
9 Other useful functions
10 Data file for scales or questionnaires
Chapter Seven Analysis of variance
1 An introduction to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
2 One-way between-subjects ANOVA
3 Two-way between-subjects ANOVA
4 One-way within-subjects ANOVA
5 Two-way within-subjects ANOVA
6 Mixed ANOVA
7 Some additional points
8 Planned and unplanned comparisons
9 Nonparametric equivalents to ANOVA: Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman
Chapter Eight Multiple regression
1 An introduction to multiple regression
2 Performing a multiple regression on SPSS
Chapter Nine Analysis of covariance and multivariate analysis of
1 An introduction to analysis of covariance
2 Performing analysis of covariance on SPSS
3 An introduction to multivariate analysis of variance
4 Performing multivariate analysis of variance on SPSS
Chapter Ten Discriminant analysis and logistic regression
1 Discriminant analysis and logistic regression
2 An introduction to discriminant analysis
3 Performing discriminant analysis on SPSS
4 An introduction to logistic regression
5 Performing logistic regression on SPSS
Chapter Eleven Factor analysis, and reliability and dimensionality
of scales
1 An introduction to factor analysis
2 Performing a basic factor analysis on SPSS
3 Other aspects of factor analysis
4 Reliability analysis for scales and questionnaires
5 Dimensionality of scales and questionnaires
Chapter Twelve Beyond the basics
1 The syntax window
2 Option settings in SPSS
3 Getting help in SPSS
4 Printing from SPSS
5 Incorporating SPSS output into other documents
6 Graphing tips
7 Interactive charts
Appendix 1: Data files
Appendix II: Defining a variable in SPSS versions 8 and 9
Appendix III: Adding regression lines to scattergrams before Version 12
1 Simple scattergram (Chapter 4, Section 2)
2 Scattergram with multiple groups (Chapter 9, Section 2)


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