Twenty years of economic reforms in India 1991-2011/

Twenty years of economic reforms in India 1991-2011/ Sury,M.M. - 1st ed. - New Delhi: New Century Publications, 2011. - 720 p.

Part I: Resources, Poverty and Economic Planning in India
1. Human Resources; Magnitude, Quality and Deployment
2. Natural Resources: Utilization and Sustainability
3. Poverty: Concept, Causes and Incidence
4. Economic Planning: A Mixed Blessing
Part II: Agriculture and Rural Development
5. Agriculture and Allied Activities: Post-1991 Initiatives
6. Rural Development: Policies and Programmes
Part III: Industry, Minerals, Infrastructure and Energy
7. Industrial Policy: Paradigm Shift
8. Mineral Policy Reforms: Private Sector Still Shy •
9. Infrastructure: The Great Stumbling Block
10. Energy Sector: Legal and Institutional Measures
Part IV: Fiscal Policy Reforms
11. Government Budgeting: Towards Accountability
12. Taxation: Moderation in Rates and Simplification of
13. Public Expenditure and Subsidies: Rethinking and Targeted
14. Public Debt: Separation from Monetary Management
15. Fiscal Federalism: From Itemized Sharing to Global
Sharing of Revenue
Part V: Monetary Policy and Credit Management
16. Monetary Policy: No Automatic Monetisation of Fiscal Deficit
17. Credit Policy: Emergence of Micro Finance
Part VI: Financial Sector Reforms
18. Financial Sector Vision: Stress on Financial Inclusion
19. Financial Institutions: Benchmarking to Best International
20. Financial Markets: Transparency and IT Solutions
21. Financial Instruments: Introduction of Derivatives Trading
Part VII: Labour and Employment
22. Labour Law Reforms: A Thorny Issue
23. Employment Generation: The Historic MGNREGA
Part VIII: Social Sector Reforms
24. Health Security: Sarva Swasthya Abhiyan
25. Education Policy: The Landmark RTE Act, 2009
26. Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups: Empowerment
Part IX: Environment, Disaster Management and
Climate Change
27. Environmental Protection: Towards Green Growth
28. Disaster Management: Legal and Institutional Measures
29. Climate Change: Approach and Strategy
Part X: Foreign Trade, Aid and Investment
30. Foreign Trade: Dismantling Tariff Walls
31. Foreign Debt and Aid: Changing Profile
32. Foreign Investment: Liberalized Regime


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