
Culture/ reinventing the social sciences Smith,Mark J. - Buckingham: Open Univ Press, 2000. - 144

Prologue: Culture and the Postdisdplinary Imperative
1 A Genealogy of Culture: from Canonicity to Classification
Judgement and values
Warning! This site is under construction: 'natural symbols'.
at work
The problem with cultural transmission
The fear of the popular
Culture, science and authoritative knowledge
2 Culture and Everyday Life: the Ordinary is Extraordinary
Cultural meaning and the selective tradition
Culture and sociological analysis
Redefining the focus of cultural analysis
3 Culture and Structure: the Logic of Mediation
Culture and materialism: Marx's legacies
The logic of mediation: culture and ideology
The cultural industry
Structuralism and culture
Inventing the subject
Towards the complexity of cultural representations
4 Culture and Hegemony: Towards the Logic of Articulation
Rediscovering Marxism's hidden past: hegemony and
Culture goes political: the culturalist agenda meets the
neo-Gramscian project
Culture and political change
Towards culture as a contested space
5 Contested Cultural Spaces: Identity, Discourse and
the Body
Rethinking identity through the text
The body and power
On the importance of things
Reinventing the object as a cultural artefact; the new
task of social science
6 Culture and the Prospects for a Postdisciplinary
Social Science
Disciplinarity and complexity
Disciplinarity under erasure: identity, space and place
Disciplinarity in doubt: the mind as a contested space
Disciplinarity largely intact: the (re-)construction of
criminal subjects
Disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and postdisciplinarity:
cultural analysis as a catalyst


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