Tea in health and disease prevention/

Preedy, Victor R

Tea in health and disease prevention/ Victor R.Preedy - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013. - 1573 p.

The Tea Plants: Botanical Aspc.
Green Tea: The Plants. Processing. Manufacturing and Production 19
Sdcnn Ahmed. John Richnrd Sfepp
White Tea: The Plants. Processing. Manuf.ictunng.
and Potential Health Benefits 33
Jenny T. Moo
Black Tea: The Plants. Processing/Manufacturing and Production 41
RamoScimy Shonmugosunclnrnm Scnthil Kumot.
Subramanian Murugcsan. Govindasamy Kottur. Daniel Gyamti
Pu-erh Tea: Botany. Production, and Chemistry 59
Selena Ahmed. John Richard Stepp
Tea Flavanols: An Overview 73
tngrid A.-L. Persson
Analysis of Antioxidant Compounds in Different Types of Tea 79
Claudia Cimpoiu, Anamana Hosu. Vasile Miclaus
Cultivar Type and Antioxidant Potency of Tea Product 91
F.N. Wachira. S. Karori. L.C. Kerio. J.K. Wanyoko
Objective Evaluation of the Taste Intensity of Tea by Taste Sensors 103
Nobuyuki Hayashi
Green Tea (Cv. Benifuuki) Powder and Catechins Availabi lity 115
Marl Maeda-Yamamoto. HirofumI Tachibana. Yoichi Sameshima.
Shinichi Kuriyama
SECTION 2 • Miscellaneous Teas and Tea Types

Herbal Teas: A Focus on Antioxidant Properties 129
Jasenka Piljac-Zegarac, Dunja Samec, Ante Piljac
Honeybush Tea {Cyclopia sp.): A Traditional South-African Tisane 141
Adam Kokotkiewicz. Maria Luczkiewicz
Mate Tea: From the Camp to the Bench 161
Samuel Santos Valencia, Manuella Lanzetti, Luis Cristovao Porto
In Afro Antioxidant Properties of Mediterranean Herbs and their
Bioactivity 171
Proestos Charalampos, Antonios E. Koutelidakis. Michael Komaitis.
Maria Kapsokefalou,
Bush Tea as a Herbal Beverage and Medicinal Plant in
South Africa 183
Fhatuwani Nixwell Mudau, Irvine K. MarigaSECTION 3• Manufacturing and Processing
CHAPTER 16 Tea Processing and its Impact on Cat
Thearubigin Formation
Anakalo. A. Shitandi, Francis Muif^ai Nfiurc. S
u^r} \/ Maiiuntiij
CHAPTER 17 Tea Processing and Carotenoids
Na-Na Li, Jian Liang Lu. Yun Rang Liang
CHAPTER 18 Effect of Far Infrared Irradiation on Kristof hin Contents of
Green Tea - 1
Seung-Cheol Lee. Hyun Gyun Yuk
SECTION 4• Compositional and Nutritional Aspects
CHAPTER 19 Structure and Bioactivities of Polysaccharides in Tea; Applications in
Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia. Coagulation. Thrombosis. Immunology, Oxidative
Stress, Radiation and Bacterial Adhesion
Haixia Chen
CHAPTER 20 An Overview of the Physicochemical and Bioactive Properties of
Novel Tea Polysaccharide Conjugates 237
Chen Xiaoqiang. Victor R. Preedy, Li Jianrong
CHAPTER 21 Green Tea Dietary Supplements: Current Issues and Analysis
David J. V\/eiss. Sarah A. Gehrke, Pengxin Liu, Randy J. Robinson
CHAPTER 22 Trace Elements in Tea {Camellia Sinensis)and their
Aradhana Mehra, Paul Lynch. Sohel Saikat. Laura Chan
CHAPTER 23 Tea and Iron Metabolism 275
Dominique Bougie
CHAPTER 24 Manganese Nutrition and Tea Consumption 289
Doctor Colleen Margaret Ross
CHAPTER 25 Vitamin K in Green Tea Leaves 295
Cristina M.M. Almeida, Maria E. Figueira
CHAPTER 26 Odor and Flavor Volatiles of Different Types of Tea 307
Patcharee Pripdeevech, Sugunya Wongpornchai
CHAPTER 27 Chromatographic Development, Validation, and Data Handling of Tea
Fingerprints ^
Bieke Dejaegher, Yvan Vander Heyden
CHAPTER 28 Steeping Time and Temperature on the Content of the Main
Flavanols in Green Tea
Benno F. Zimmermann, Maike Gleichenhagen
CHAPTER 29 Chemistry and Biology of the Black Tea Thearubigins and of Tea
Fermentation 343
Nikolai Kuhnert
CHAPTER 30 Bioactive Phytophenolics and Antioxidant Functions of Aqueous and Organic
Tea Extracts 361
Theeshan Bahorun, Vidushi Neergheen-Bhujun, Naushad A. Toolsee,
Jhoti Somanah, Amitabye Luximon-Ramma, Okezie 1. Aruoma
CHAPTER 31 Formation of Damascenone and its Related Compounds from
Carotenoids in Tea 375
Ziyin Yang, Susanne Baldermann. Naoharu Watanabe
CHAPTER 32 Tea Catechins in Tissues; Analysis, Possibilities and Challenges 387
Benno F. Zimmerman
Intcsimal Absorption and Disposition of Green Tea Catechins:
The First Barrier for Green Tea Catechins Entering the Body 399
Zt^orig Zuo. Li ZlKing. Linux Zhou
Green Tea Flavan 3ol Bioavailability 413
Dunicio Del Rio. Lucu Colony. Furio Brighenti
L Theanine front Green Tea: Transport and Effects on Health 425
Leung Zhang. Zheng Zhu Zhung. \a Ning Lu. Jing-Song Zhang.
Victor R. Preecl\
Holistic Approaches to Tea Bioactivity: Interactions of Tea and Meal
Components Studied in Vitro and In Vivo 437
Antonios E. Koutelidakis. Maria Kapsokefalou
Gallic Acid in Old Oolong Tea 447
Chung )u Chen. Ren Jye Lee. Viola S.Y. Lee. Jianpeng Dou.
Victor R. Preedy. Jason T.C. Tzen, Maw-Rong Lee
Tea and Starch Digestibility 457
Adeline Ik Chian Wong. Dejian Huang
Electronic Tongue for Tea Tasting 469
Tzong Jih Cheng. Richie L.C. Chen. Kuang-Hua Chang. Yueh-Tzu Hung.
Bo Chuan Hsieh. Po-Chung Chen. Hsien-Yi Hsiao
Green Tea and Protein Availability 483
Joanna Bajerska. Malgorzata Wozniewicz. Jan Jeszka

•General Protective Aspects of Tea-Related
eview of the Clinical Evidence on Tea Consumption and Weight
Loss 493
Selena Ahmed
Oolong Tea and Weight Loss 509
Rong-Rong He. Hiroshi Kurihara. Victor R. Preedy
Antioxidant Functions of Green and Black Tea 521
Kaushik Das. Jharna Bhattacharyya
Tea and Liver Antioxidant Capabilities in Ethanol Toxicity 529
Wojciech Luczaj. Agnieszka Augustyniak. Elzbieta Skrzydlewska
Antimutagenic Activities of Tea and its Polyphenols in
Bacterial Test Systems 539
Udayan Bhattacharya. Ashok K. Giri
The Modulating Influence of Tea Polyphenols on Estrogen
Metabolism in Asian and Caucasian Populations: Breast Cancer
Prevention 551
Maria Kapiszewska. Anna Merklinger-Gruchala. Grazyna Jasienska
Tea and Inflammation 563
Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia. Sirima Puangpraphant, Rachel Eckhoff
Tea and Sepsis: Effects on Inflammatory Cytokines 581
Haichao Wang, Shu Zhu. Wei Li, Arvin Jundoria, Andrew E. Sama
Green Tea and Protection against He/zcobacter Infection 593
Calin Stoicov, JeanMarie Houghton
Black Tea {Camellia sinensis) and Bone Loss Protection 603
Chandan Mitra, Dolan Das. Asankur Sekhar Das. Victor R. Preedy
Green Tea and Bone Health Promotion: A Focus on Bone Mass and
Microarchitecture 613
Chwan-Li Shen, Ming-Chien ChyuCHAPTER 52
Effect of Green Tea( j-Epigallocatechin Gallate on A<)i|)oi.vl. -.; ^ ^
Signaling Effects
Yung-Hsi Kao. Hui-Chen Ku. Hsin Huei Chang. Chi Wvi iiu.
Li-Jane Shih. Jueng-Tsueng Weng. ChicnChih Ycli
Modulation of Pattern Recognition Receptor MediaK.-d SiC.naiii f.
Pathways by Green Tea Epigallocatechin 3Gallate lOo >
Joo Young Lee. Ling Zhao. Daniel H. Hwang
Caffeine and Insulin-Independent Glucose Transport '
Tatsuro Egawa. Xiao Ma. Tahu Hamacla. Tatsuy.i Hayaiihi
( )-Epigallocatechin 3-aGallate(EGCG)and Kidney lnterstiti.il
Yohei Miyamoto
Caffeine-Mediated ERK Phosphorylation in the Rat Brain
Stefania Vinci. Liliana Spina. Rosanna Longoni. Elio Acquas
Epigallocatechin Gallate(EGCG)from Green Tea
and Other Natural Products Mediate Stress Resistance and Slows
Down Aging Processes in Caenorhabditis
Michael Wink, Sami Abbas 1117
Chinese Tea and Telomere Length in Elderly Chinese Men
Ruth Chan, Jean Woo, Nelson L.S. Tang
Human Prostate Cancer Prevention by Green Tea Catechins:
Clinical Trial and Putative Molecular Mechanisms of Action
Federica Rizzi, Saverio Bettuzzi
Effect of Green Tea Catechins on Intracellular Signaling in
Breast Tissue: Implications for Cancer
Rebecca L. Bigelow, James A. Cardelli 1159
Caffeine, Cyclin D1 and Cell Proliferation
John P. Alao
Synthetic Analogs of( )-Epigallocatechin-Gallate: Bioavailability
and Molecular Mechanisms of Action
Taskeen Mujtaba, Di Chen, Michael Frezza, Ahmad A. Zahreldin,
Tak Hang Chan, Q. Ping Dou
Anti-Influenza Viral Activity of Catechins and Derivatives i-t»3
Jae-Min Song, Baik-Lin Seong
Antibacterial - Acinetobacter baumannii- Activity
of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate(EGCG)
Andrew R. Osterberg, Karen L. Mumy, George F, Babcock
Tea Catechins and Staphylococcus aureus
Hiroshi Yamada
(-)-Epicatechin 3-(3"-0-Methyl gallate) and (-1 )-Catechin
3-(3"-OMethylgallate), and their Anti-Inflammatory Activity
Hidefumi Makabe
Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate on Markers of Inflammation 1223
Pitchairaj Geraldine, Ramesh Elango, Joseph Theodore,
Joen-Rong Sheu, Philip A. Thomas
Molecular Basis for Down-Regulation of the Inflammatory
Responses by Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate in Macrophages 123y
Eui-Hong Byun, Hirofumi Tachibana
Green Tea and its Main Catechin, Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate,
Provide Parasitic Protection
Mahmoud Abu Laila, Ikuo IgarashiCHAPTER 106 Effects of Tea Catechins on Cardiac Allografts 1261
Jun ichi Su7ul\i. MciScihito Ogawa. Yasunobu Hirata. Ryozo Nagai.
Mitsuaki Isoba
CHAPTER 107 Maternal Caffeine Exposure on Fetal Cardiovascular Function and
Grov.th 1273
Nobuo Monioi. Bradle\ B. Keller. Kimimasa Tobita
CHAPTER 108 Green Tea ( )Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and its Effects on Pancreatic
Stellate Cells 1287
Makoto Otsuki. Hiroshi Asaumi
CHAPTER 109 Effect of Green Tea Extract and Tea Polyphenols Against Antibiotic-. AntiCancer Drug and Inmuinosuppressant Agent-Induced
Nephrotoxicitv: A Focus on Cyclosporine A and Tacrolims 1299
Isao Matsui Yuasa. Akiko Kojima-Yuasa
CHAPTER 110 Biological Effects of Green Tea Catechins in Ocular Tissue Cells 1309
Kai On Chu. )a Ping)ang. Chi Chiu Wang. Chi Pui Pang
SECTION 7•Behavior and Brain
CHAPTER 111 Tea and the Cognitive Function of Elderly People: Evidence From Neurobiology
and Epidemiology 1325
Lei Feng. Tze-Pin Ng. Ee-Heok Kua. Victor R. Preedy
CHAPTER 112 Green Tea and Protection of the Brain Against Aging: Structural Aspectsl337
Jose Paulo Andrade. Jorge Rodrigues. Marco AssuiiQao
CHAPTER 113 Behavioral Pharmacology of Caffeine 1349
Sandro Fenu. Elio Acquas
CHAPTER 114 Effect of Green Tea Catechins on Cognitive Learning Ability and
Dementia 1363
Michio Hashimoto. Md Abdul Haque. Yukihiro Mara
CHAPTER 115 Attention Benefits of Tea and Tea Ingredients: A Review of the
Research to Date 1373
Suzanne J.L. Einother. Timo Giesbrecht. Charlotte M. Walden.
Leo van Buren. Pieter C. van der PijI. Eveline A. de Bruin
CHAPTER 116 Green Tea and Feeling Depressed: A Promising Challenge 1385
Kaijun Niu. Guowei Huang. Hui Guo
CHAPTER 117 Anxiolytic Properties of the Green Tea Polyphenol(-)-Epigallocatechin
Gallate 1399
Michel Vignes
CHAPTER 118 Green Tea {-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate and Amyloid Precursor
Protein: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease 1411
Brian Giunta, Jun Tan
CHAPTER 119 Nitric Oxide Synthase, Green Tea Catechins and Parkinson's
Disease 1425
Ji Seon Kim. Eung Seok Oh, Jong-Min Kim
SECTION 8•Adverse Effects of Tea and Tea-Related Products
CHAPTER 120 Toxicity of Green Tea Polyphenols 1435
Izet M. Kapetanovic
CHAPTER 121 Hepatocyte Cytotoxicity of Green Tea Phenolic Acids, Gallates,
and Catechins 1449
Sarah Delaney, Luke Wan. Peter J. O'BrienCHAPTER 122 Caffeine and Neurotoxicity: Implications for Tea
Tracy R. Butler. Mark A. Prendergast
CHAPTER 123 Interactions of Tea
Food Quality and Health 1 /
Richard A.
CHAPTER 124 Diversity of Pesticides in Tea 1
Anjan Bhattacharyya. Bapp^Kiaya Kanrar
CHAPTER 125 Potential Toxicity of Green Tea Polyphenols m Colitis i >^
Akira Murakami
SECTION 9•Comparison of Tea and Coffee in Health and Disease
CHAPTER 126 Comparison of the Effects of Tea and Coffee on the Risk of Ovan.in
Cancer ^ '
Susan Jordan. Christina Nagle
CHAPTER 127 Comparing Tea and Coffee Intake in Relation to Breast Cancer

Nirmala Bhoo Pathy. Cuno S.P.M. Uiterwaal ^
CHAPTER 128 Impact of Green Tea and Coffee Consumption on Renal Function 1.j43
Kei Nakajima. Yoshihiko Kanno

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