Desk encyclopedia of plant and fungal virology/

Desk encyclopedia of plant and fungal virology/ edited by Brian W.J Mahy - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2010. - 613 p.

Movement of Viruses in Plants P A Harries and RS Nelson
Vector Transmission of Plant Viruses S Blanc
Diagnostic Techniques: Plant Viruses R Koenig, D-ELesemann,G Adam and S Winter
Plant Antiviral Defense: Gene Silencing Pathway G Szlttya, TDalmay and J Burgyan
Virus-Induced Gene Silencing(VIGS) M SPadmanabhan andSP DInesh-Kumar
Plant Resistance to Viruses: Engineered Resistance M Fuchs
Plant Resistance to Viruses: Geminiviruses J K Brown
Plant Virus Vectors(Gene Expression Systems) Y Gieba,S Marlllonnetand V Kllmyuk
Vaccine Production in Plants EP Ryblckl
Viroids R Flores and R A Owens

Alfalfa Mosaic Virus J FBol
Allexlvlrus S K Zavrlev
Banana Bunchy Top Virus J E Thomas
Barley Yellow Dwarf Viruses L L Domler
Beet Curly Top Virus J Stanley
Benyvlrus R Koenig
Bromoviruses J J BujarskI
Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus E Muller
Caplllovlrus, Foveavlrus, Trichovlrus, Vltlvlrus
Carlavlrus K H Ryu and B Y Lee
N Yoshlkawa

xvi Contents
Carmovirus FQu and TJ Morris ^
Caulimoviruses: General Features J Scholz
Gaulimoviruses: Molecular Biology THohn
Citrus Tristeza Virus M Bar-Joseph and W O Dawson 160
Cowpea Mosaic Virus GP Lomonossoff ^
Cucumber Mosaic Virus F Garci'a-ArenalandPPalukaitis ^
Flaviviruses M J Adams ^
Furovirus R Koenig
llarvlrus K C Eastwell
Luteoviruses L L Domierand CJ D'Arcy ^
Machlomovirus Scheets
Maize Streak Virus DP Martin,D N Shepherd and EP Rybicki 209
Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Viruses V G MaiathiandPJohn 217
Nanoviruses H J Vetten
Necrovirus L Rubino and GP Martelli

provirus H Pentagon
Ophiovirus A M Vaira and R G Milne
Papaya Ringspot Virus D Gonsalves,J Y Suzuki,S TripathiandSA Ferreira 250
Pecluvirus DVR Reddy,C Bragard,P Sreenivasan and Deifosse
Plant Reoviruses R J Geijskes and R M Harding
Plant Rhabdoviruses A O Jackson,R G Dietzgen, R-X Fang, M M Goodin,SA Hogenhout,
M DengandJ N Bragg
Plum Pox Virus M Glass and T Candresse
Pomovirus L Torrance
Potato Virus Y C Kerian and B Moury
Potexvirus K H Ryu and JS Hong
Rice Yellow Mottle Virus EHe'brard,D Fargette and G Konate 362
Sequiviruses l-R Choi
Sobemovirus M Meier,A Oispert,0Sarmiento and E Truve
Tenuivirus B C Ramirez
Tobacco Mosaic Virus M H V van Regenmortel
Tobamovirus D J Lev\/andowski
Tobravirus S A MacFarlane
Tomato Leaf Curl Viruses from India S Chakraborty
Tombusviruses SA Lommeland TL Sit
Tospovirus M Tsompana and J W Moyer
Tymoviruses A-L Haenniand T1/1/Dreher
Umbravirus M Taliansky and E Ryabov
Watermelon Mosaic Virus and Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus H Lecoq and C Desbiez 372

Contents xvii
Cereal Viruses: Maize/Corn P A Signoret 383
Cereal Viruses: Rice FJ Morales 390
Cereal Viruses: Wheat and Barley H D Lapierre and D Hariri 397
Emerging Geminiviruses C M Fauquet and M S Nawaz-ul-Rehman 404
Emerging and Reemerging Virus Diseases of Plants G P Martelli and D Gallitelli 412
Legume Viruses LBos
Plant Virus Diseases: Economic Aspects G Loebenstein 426
Plant Virus Diseases: Fruit Trees and Grapevine G P Martelli and J K Uyemoto 431
Plant Virus Diseases: Ornamental Plants J Engelmann and J Hamacher 436
Potato Viruses C Kerlan 458
Tobacco Viruses SATolin 471
Vegetable Viruses P Caciagli 479
Ascoviruses B A Federiciand Y Bigot 491
Barnaviruses P A Revill 498
Chrysoviruses SA Ghabrial 300
Dicistroviruses PD Christian andPD Scotti 510
Fungal Viruses SA Ghabrialand N Suzuki 517
Hypovirulence N K van Men andP Kazmierczak 524
Hypoviruses D L Nuss 530
Mycoreoviruses BI Hillman 535
Narnaviruses R Esteban and TFujimura " 541
Partitiviruses of Fungi S Tavantzis 547
Prions of Yeast and Fungi R B Wickner,H Edskes, T Nakayashiki,FShewmaker, L McCann,
A Engeland D Kryndushkin 552
Retrotransposons of Fungi TJ D Goodwin, MI Butlerand RTM Poulter 557
Totiviruses S A Ghabrial 565
Ustilago Maydis Viruses J Bruenn 576
Yeast L-A Virus R B Wickner, TFujimura and R Esteban 582


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