Public governance/

Public governance/ edited by Mark Bevir - London: SAGE, 2007. - V.3, 408p.

VOLUME THREE: PUBLIC POLICY GENERAL The Science of Muddling Through - C Lindblom STEERING AND SERVING Community-Owned Government - D Osborne and T Gaebler Empowering Rather Than Serving Politicians and Bureaucrats in the Process of Governing - B G Peters The Challenge of Collaborative Governance - Chris Huxham The New Public Service - R B Denhardt and J V Denhardt Serving Rather Than Steering NETWORK MANAGEMENT Managing in Network Settings - R Agranoff and M McGuire Managing Public-Private Partnerships - E-H Klijn and G TeismanFrom Marketization to Diplomacy - R Rhodes It's the Mix that Matters AUDIT AND REGULATION From the Positive to the Regulatory State - G Majone Causes and Consequences of Changes on the Mode of Governance Regulation of Government - C Hood, O James and C Scott Has it Increased, Is it Increasing, Should it Be Diminished?Neoliberalizing Nature? - K Bakker Market Environmentalism in Water Supply in England and WalesPolicy Learning Evaluation, Policy Learning and Evidence-Based Policy Making - I SandersonSocial Benchmarking, Policy Making and the New Governance in the EU - C de la Porte, P Poached and GRoom Persistence of National Policy Styles - F van Waarden A Study of Their Institutional Foundations DIALOGUE AND DELIBERATION Policy Analysis and Planning - J Dryzek From Science to Argument Beyond Dialogue to Transformative Learning - J Forester How Deliberative Rituals Encourage Political Judgement in Community Planning Processes The Everyday Maker - H Bang and E Sorensen A New Challenge to Democratic Governance


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