Monitoring with Lichens - monitoring Lichens/

Monitoring with Lichens - monitoring Lichens/ edited by Pier Luigi Nimis, Christoph Scheidegger and Patricia A. Wolseley. - 1st.ed. - London: Kluwer academic pub., 2002. - ix, 408 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

1. Monitoring with Lichens - Monitoring Lichens

Section 1: Monitoring Lichens as Indicators of Pollution
2. Monitoring Lichens as Indicators of Pollution
3. Bioindication: Calibrated Scales and their Utility
4. Bioindication: The I.A.P. Approach
5. Bioindication: The Community Approach
6. Accumulation of Inorganic Contaminants
7. Lichens as Monitors of Radioelements
8. Biomarkers of Pollution-Induced Oxidative Stress and Membrane Damage in Lichens
9. Key Issues in Designing Biomonitoring Programmes: Monitoring scenarios, sampling strategies and quality assurance

Section 2: Monitoring Lichen Diversity and Ecosystem Function
10. Monitoring Lichen Diversity and Ecosystem Function: An Introduction
11. Methods for Monitoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Monitoring scenarios, sampling strategies and data quality
12. Monitoring Lichens for Conservation: Red Lists and Conservation Action Plans
13. Lichen Monitoring and Climate Change
14. Monitoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Forests
15. Monitoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Grasslands, Deserts, and Steppe
16. Monitoring Lichens on Monuments
17. Monitoring Maritime Habitats

Section 3: Methods for Monitoring Lichens
18. Methods for Monitoring Lichens: An Introduction
19. Mapping Lichen Diversity as an Indicator of Environmental Quality
20. Identifying Deviations from Naturality of Lichen Diversity for Bioindication Purposes
21. Epiphytes on Wayside Trees as an Indicator of Eutrophication in the Netherlands
22. Using Lichens on Twigs to Assess Changes in Ambient Atmospheric Conditions
23. Guidelines for the Use of Epiphytic Lichens as Biomonitors of Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements
24. Transplanted Lichens for Bioaccumulation Studies
25. Sample Preparation of Lichens for Elemental Analysis
26. Sulphur Isotopes in Lichens as Indicators of Sources
27. Estimation of Critical Levels of Air Pollution (Metals) on the Basis of Field Study of Epiphytic Lichen Communities
28. Monitoring Physiological Change in Lichens: Total Chlorophyll Content and Chlorophyll Degradation
29. Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements in the Field: Assessment of the Vitality of Large Numbers of Lichen Thalli
30. Measuring Bark pH
31. A Photographic Quadrat Recording Method Employing Image Analysis of Lichens as an indicator of Environmental change
32 Site Assessment of Epiphytic Habitats using Lichen indices
33 Indicator Species-Restricted taxa approach in confierous and hardwood forests of Northeastern America
34 Monitoring Regional status and trends in forest health with Lichen communities: the United States forest service approach
35 Biodiversity Assessment tools-Lichens
36 Using Lichens and Bryophytes to evaluate the effects of silvicultural practices in tasmanian we eucalypt forest
37 Using corticolous Lichens of tropical forests to assess environmental changes
38 Lichenometry
39 Transplanting Lichen fragments for provenance-clone tests
40 Assessing changes in density and condition of Lichens for species recovery programmes
41 Monitoring red-listed Lichens using permanent plots
42 A method for detecting large-scale environmental change with Lichens



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