Sexuality and the world's religion/

Sexuality and the world's religion/ Machacek, David W - 1st ed. - Santa Barbara: ABC CLIO, 2003. - 430 pg

Part I
Gender and Sexuality? in the world Religions
1 Sexuality and Gender in African Spiritual Traditions
Randy P Conner
2 Gender, Sexuality, and the Balance of Power in
Native American Worldviews
Julianne Cordero andEiza Currans
3 Harmony of Yin and Yang; Cosmology and Sexuality
in Daoism
Xinzbong Yao
A A Union of Fire and Water: Sexuality and Spirituality
in Hinduism
Jejffrey S. Lidke
5 Buddhist Views on Gender and Desire
Z/z IVi/son
6 Sex in Jewish Law and Culture
Rebecca X/yert
7 The Vatican and the Laity: Diverging Paths in Catholic
Understanding of Sexuality
James C. CavendisA
8 Varieties of Interpretations: Protestantism and Sexuality
9 Islamic Conceptions of Sexuality
Aysha HidayatuIIab
Part 2
Religion. Genaer, anE Sej?ualiti? in the J^nited Stales
10 Casting Divinity in My Image: Women, Men, and the
Embodiment of Sacred Sexuality
Nuncy Ramsey Tosb and Tanya Keenati
11 Innovation in Exile: Religion and Spirituality in
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Communities
Melissa M. Wilcox
12 Religion and Sexual Liberty: Personal versus Cmc
Morality in the United States
David W.Machacek


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