Operating systems/

Deitel, Harvey M

Operating systems/ Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, David R. Choffnes. - 3rd ed. - New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2004. - lix, 1209 p. ill. 24 cm.

I. INTRODUCTION TO HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND OPERATING SYSTEMS. 1. Introduction to Operating Systems 2. Hardware and Software Concepts II. PROCESSES AND THREADS. 3. Process Concepts. 4. Thread Concepts. 5. Asynchronous Concurrent Execution. 6. Concurrent Programming. 7. Deadlock and Indefinite Postponement. 8. Processor Scheduling. III. PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL MEMORY. 9. Physical Memory Organization and Management. 10. Virtual Memory Organization. 11. Virtual Memory Management. IV. SECONDARY STORAGE, FILE SYSTEMS AND DATABASE SYSTEMS. 12. Disk Performance Optimization. 13. File Systems and Database Systems. V. PERFORMANCE, PROCESSORS AND MULTIPROCESSOR MANAGEMENT. 14. Performance and Processor Design. 15. Multiprocessor Management. VI. NETWORKING AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. 16. Networking. 17. Introduction to Distributed Systems. 18. Distributed File Systems, Clustering Peer-to-Peer Computing and Web Services. VII. SECURE COMPUTING. 19. Security and Protection. VIII. OPERATING SYSTEM CASE STUDIES. 20. Case Study: Linux (2.6). 21. Case Study: Windows XP. Appendix A. Number Systems. Appendix B. Java. Appendix C. XML. Appendix D. Linux License (GPL). Appendix E. Operating System Simulators.


Operating systems (Computers)

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