Turkey's road to European Union membership: national identity and political change/

Turkey's road to European Union membership: national identity and political change/ edited by Susannah Verney, Kostas Ifantis - London: Routledge, 2009. - 135 p. ill. 24 cm.

1 National identity and political change onTurkey's road to EU membership;
2 Turkey in transition-opprtunities amidst peril?;
3 Running around in circles? The cyclical relationship between Turkey and the European Union;
4 Conservative globalists versus defensive nationalist: political parties and paredoxes of Europeanisation in Turkey;
5 Europeanisation through EU conditionality: understanding the new era in Turkish foreign policy;
6 Religiosity and protest behaviour: the case of Turkey in comparative perspective.
7 Turkish identity on the road to the EU: basic elements of French and German oppositional discourses
8 The dynamics of EU accession: Turkish travails in comparative perspective;
9 Europeanisation and the transformation of Turkey's Cyprus policy: a case of democratic peace


Politics and government
European Union

327 / VER/T
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