Human resource management/


Human resource management/ Biswajeet Pattanayak - 3rd. ed. - New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2010. - 484 p. 24 cm.

Part One

1. HRM—^The Global and Indian Scenario 3-13
Evolution of HRM 3
Relevance of HRM 8
Challenges Faced by HRM 9
Human Resource Functions H
The Indian Scenario and HRM - 12
Conclusion 13

2. HRM for Corporate Excellence 14-30
Components of Corporate Moral Excellence 15
Sustainable Competitive Development of Excellent Organization 19
Healthy Organization: A Trail to Sustainable Excellence 23
Conclusion 27
HR Focus 28
Part Two

3. Human Resource Planning 33-45
Origin and Evolution 33
The Contemporary Approach to HRP 34
The Rise of HRP 37
Role of HRP Professionals 37
Link between Human Resource Planning and Strategic Planning 38
HRP at National Level 39
HRP at Corporate Level 41
Problem Areas ^ 43
Impact of Technology on HRP / 44
Conclusion 45

4. Human Resource Information System 46-53
Applications 47
Necessary Capabilities of a HRIS 48
viii Contents
System Funcrions
Steps in Implementing an HRIS 51
Limitations of HRIS

5. Recruitment and Selection Strategies 54-66
Recruitment 54
Sources of Recruitment 57
Stages in Selection Process 60
Conclusion 54
HR Focus 64
Part Three

6. Socializing, Orienting and Developing Employees 69-105
Types of Socialization Programme 71
Orientation 72
Training and Development 74
Training'Needs in a Changed Marketplace 79
Strategy for Devising an Efficient Training Mechanism 80
Training Evaluation 84
Approaches of Evaluation 85
Types of Evaluation Instruments 87
Training the Trainers 89
Applications of Computers in Training 89
Estimating Costs in Training and Development 89
Developing Effective Training Programmes 90
Designing an HRD Programme 91
Designing an Effective Supervisory T&DProgramme 93
Performance Consulting: Moving Beyond Training 97
HR Focus 101

7. Concept of HRD 106-115
The Concept of Work 106
Multiple Goals of HRD 107
HRD Mechanisms or Sub-Systems 108
Contribution of Mechanisms to HRD Goals 110
HRD Department and Its Task 110
HRD for Organizational Effectiveness 112
Conclusion 113
HR Focus 113

8. Performance Appraisal System 116-136
Introduction 116
Objectives of Performance Appraisal 117
Developing a Performance Appraisal System 118
Introducing and Operating Performance Appraisal System 120
Distinction between Performance and Potential 120
Process of Performance Appraisal 121
Performance Criteria 121
Benefits of Performance Appraisal 122
Pitfalls 123
Constraints 124
Different Types of Employee Appraisal Systems 125
Performance Review Sequence 126
New Trends in Performance Appraisal Systems 126
360° Appraisal System/Feedback 128
Uses of 360° Feedback 129
New Appraisal Systems 129
Conclusion 130
HR Focus 131

9. Potential Appraisal and Succession Planning 137-143
Potential Attributes 138
Succession Planning 140
Cause of Failure of Succession Planning in Indian Industries 142
HR Focus 142
10. Career Planning and Development 144-160
Career Anchors 144
Career Development Cycle 145
Career Need Assessment 146
Career Opportunities 146
Need-Opportunity Alignment 146
Plateaued Employees 146
Career Marriages 147
Some Experiences in Career Planning 149
Model for Planned Self-Development 151
HR Focus 154
11. Assessment and Development Centres 161-167
Origin of the Assessment Centre Method 161
Essential Features of an Assessment Centre ; 163
Accuracy of Assessment Centres 164
Use^of Assessment Centres by Small Organizations 165
How can Centres be Used as a Developmental Tool? 165
Development Centres 165
HR Focus
Contents ix
X Contents
Part Four
12. Motivation at Work 171-193
Difference between Motivation and Incentive 173
Motivational Theories 173
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1954) 174
Frederick Herzberg's Two Factor Theory (1959) 177
Douglas McGregor's Theory 'X' and Theory 'Y' (1960) 178
Alderfer's ERG Theory (1969) 179
David McClelland's Three-Need Theory (1961) 179
Vroom's Expectancy Theory (1964) 182
Adam's Equity Theory
(1965) 183
Factors to Motivate Workers 183
Hawthorne Studies 186
Motivational Potential Score 186
Motivation and Morale 187
What Demotivates or Demoralizes Employees 188
Relationship between Performance and Motivation 188
Relationship between Incentives and Motivation 188
Motivational Techniques in Practice 189
HR Focus ^^0
13. Participative Management 194-210
Philosophical Basis
Participation and Motivation 1^^
- Types and Degree of Participation 1^6
Quality Circle
Composition of Quality Circle 1^8
Circle Leader
Quality Circle Organization....
Rewards and Benefits of Quality Circle 201
Criteria for Awards 201
Promotion ofQuality Circle 202
Implementation Plan 202
Evolution ofParticipative Nfanagement 203
Government Policy and Participation 204
Structure of Participative Management 205
Organization of Participative Management 206
Fimctions of Participative Management 206
Nature and Benefits of Participation 207
The Indian Background 207
HRFocus 205
14. Empowerment 211-218
Characteristics of Empowered Organization 213
Shape for Empowerment 213
Guidelines for Introducing Empowerment 214
Factors Affecting Empowerment 214
Empowerment Cycle 215
Elements of an Empowered Management Style 216
Benefits of Empowerment 217
Conclusion 217
HR Focus 218
Part Five
15. Labour Relations 221-258
Genesis and Growth of Labour Relations 222
Objectives of Labour Relations 223
Labour Relations and Related Legislation 223
Legal Framework of HRM 224
Trade Unionism 239
Collective Bargaining 242
HRM Approach to Employee Relations 248
Recommendation of Second National Commission on Labour, 2002 249
Conclusion 251
HR Focus 252
16. Reward System 259-273
Features of a Reward System 260
Rewards and the Expectancy Model: The Final Link 261
Determinants of Rewards 262
Rewarding Terms 265
HR Focus 265
17. Quality of Work Life 274-283
Key Supervisory Role 277
Conclusion 280
HR Focus 280
18. Compensation Management 284-298
A Model of the Consequences of Pay Dissatisfaction 284
Objectives ofCompWsation Management 285
Major Phases of Compensation Management 286
HR Focus 280
19. Organization Analysis and Transformation 299-334
Theories of Organizational Change 299
Organization Development 302
Contents xi
xii Contents
Values, Assumptions and Beliefs in OD 304
Pillars of Organization Development 304
Diagnosing Groups and Jobs 306
Team Interventions 307
Collecting and Analyzing Diagnostic Information 308
Designing an Effective OD Intervention 309
Human Process Interventions 312
Techno-structural Interventions 315
Employee Involvement 317
Work Redesign
Strategic Interventions 318
Organization Transformation 322
Evaluating and Institutionalizing OD Interventions 326
Leading and Managing Change 329
Problems and Challenges in OD 331
OD in Global Setting 331
HR Focus
Part Six
20. Knowledge Creation and Management 337-346
Knowledge Management Architecture 337
Knowledge Conversion 339
Current Knowledge Management Deficits 340
Knowledge Management 341
Critical Importance of Knowledge Management in Organizations 341
Knowledge Management Process 343
HR Focus
21. Virtual Organization and Emerging HR Trend 347-356
Characteristics of Virtual Organization 348
Features of Virtual Organization 349
Types of Virtual Organization 350
Emerging HR Issues in Virtual Organization 350
Career Dynamics .v. 35
Performance Management 352
Sharing Information
Selection Process
Role Demand and Drivers 3o
HR Focus....:
22. Learning Organization
Six Antecedents of Organizational Learnings
Leadership and Learning Organizations 36U
HR Focus
23. Strategic Human Resource Management 364-381
Sequence of Strategic Formulation 366
Traditional HR vs Strategic HR 366
Implementation of Strategic HRM 368
Role of HR in Strategy Formulation 369
or Structural Approach to Strategy 370
Creating Performance Through Integrating People and Strategy 370
Conclusion 378
HR Focus 378
24. Human Resource in Information Technology Organizations 382-399
Buying Talents 383
Borrowing Talents 391
Building Talent 391
IT HR in Practice 395
Human Resource Assessment in IT Industry 396
Conclusion 398
HR Focus 398
25. Human Resource in Mergers and Acquisitions 400-411
Why Do Mergers and Acquisitions Fail? 401
Stages of Merger
and Acquisition 403
Key Communication Principles and Tactics for Smooth Integration 406
Key to Success of Merger
and Acquisition 407
and Competencies of HR Professionals 407
Conclusion 408
HR Focus 408
26. International Human Resource Management 412-432
Domestic vs International HRM 414
International HRM 416
International Performance Management 421
Compensation Management 426
Repatriation 429
Conclusion 431
HR Focus 431
Case 1:
Case 3:
Case 4:
Case 5:
Part Seven
Contents xiii
Vindhya Steel Limited 435
Promotion of Mr. Ritesh Mashroo 437
Dr. Rajan Gupta's Misery 439
The SBR and Vishnu 441
Future Bank 444
Sakshi Garments Limited 447
xiv Contents
Case 7: Subramaniam's Dilemma 449
Case 8: The Final Settlement 452
Case 9: IMPLA Pharmaceuticals Limited 458
Case 10: Dilemma of Restructuring 460
Case 11: Swati Textile India Limited 464
Case 12: Asthana Motors Limited , 467
Case 13: Variable Pay Hike 469


Personnel management
Human capital

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