Judges on judging/

Judges on judging/ collected and edited by David M. O'Brien. - Washington: CQ Press, 2009. - 372p. 23cm

Part I
Judicial Review and American Politics;
Historical and Political Perspectives
1. The Doctrine of Judicial Review:
Mr. Marshall, Mr. Jefferson, and Mr. Marbury
Chief Justice WarrenT. Burger
Supreme Court of the United States
2. The Supreme Court in the American
System of Government
Justice Robert H. Jackson
Supreme Court of the United States
Part 11
The Dynamics of the Judicial Process
3. Advice and Consent in Theory and Practice
Judge Roger J. Miner
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
4. The "Fight" Theory versus the "Truth" Theory
Judge Jerome Frank
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
5- The Adversary Judge: The Experience of the Trial judge
Judge Marvin E. Frankel
U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
6. The Business of the U.S. District Courts
Judge D. Brock Hornby
U.S. District Court, District of Maine
7. What I Ate for Breakfast and Other Mysteries
of Judicial Decision Making
Judge Alex Kozinski
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
8. Whose Federal Judiciary Is It Any\A/ay?
judge Stephen Reinhardt
U.S. Court ofAppeals, Ninth Circuit
9. What Really Goes on at the Supreme Court
Justice Lewis P. Powell Jr.
Supreme Court of the United States
10. The Supreme Court's Conference
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
Supreme Court of the United States
11. Deciding What to Decide: The Docket and the Rule of Four
Justice John Paul Stevens
Supreme Court of the United States
12. The Role of Oral Argument
Justice John M. Marian II
Supreme Court of the United States
13. Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary (2007)
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
Supreme Court of the United States
Part III
The Judiciary and the Constitution
14. The Path of Law
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Supreme Court of the United States
15- The Judge as a Legislator
justice Benjamin N. Cardozo
Supreme Court of the United States
16. The Notion of a Living Constitution
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
Supreme Court of the United States
17. A Relativistic Constitution
Judge William Wayne Justice
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas
18. The Jurisprudence of judicial Restraint:
A Return to the Moorings
judge J. Clifford Wallace
U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
19. Tradition and Morality in Constitutional Law
Judge Robert H. Bork
U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
20. What Am I, a Potted Plant?
The Case Against Strict Constructionism
Judge Richard A. Posner
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
21. Originalism: The Lesser Evil
Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court of the United States
22. The Constitution: A Living Document
Justice Thurgood Marshall
Supreme Court of the United States
23. The Constitution of the United States:
Contemporary Ratification
Justice William J. Brennan Jr.
Supreme Court of the United States
24. Speaking in a Judicial Voice:
Reflections on Roe v. Wade
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court of the United States
25- Our Democratic Constitution
Justice Stephen G. Breyer
Supreme Court of the United States
26. Against Constitutional Theory
judge Richard A. Posner
U.S. Court ofAppeals, Seventh Circuit
27. The Importance of Comparative Law
Chief justice Aharon Barak
Supreme Court of Israel
28. The Two Faces of Judicial Activism
judge William Wayne justice
U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas
Part iV
The Judiciary and Federal Regulation:
Line Drawing and Statutory Interpretation
29. Some Reflections on the Reading of Statutes
justice Felix Frankfurter
Supreme Court of the United States
30. What Does Legislative History Tell Us?
judge Frank H. Easterbrook
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
Part V
Our Dual Constitutional System:
The Bill of Rights and the States
31. The Bill of Rights
justice Hugo L. Black
Supreme Court of the United States
32. Guardians of Our Liberties —State Courts
No Less Than Federal
justice William j. Brennan jr.
Supreme Court of the United States
33. First Things First: Rediscovering the States' Bills
of Rights
Justice Hans A. Linde
Oregon State Supreme Court
34. State Courts at the Dawn of a New Century:
Common Law Courts Reading Statutes and Constitutions
Chief judge Judith S. Kaye
New York Court ofAppeals


Political questions and judicial power
Judicial process

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