Quantum information, computation and communication /

Jones, J. A.

Quantum information, computation and communication / Jonathan A. Jones, Dieter Jaksch. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - viii, 200 p. 26 cm.

includes index

1 Quantum bits and quantum gates
1.1 The Bloch sphere
Part I Quantum information
1.2 Density matrices and Pauli matrices
1.3 Quantum logic gates
1.4 Quantum networks
1.5 Initialization and measurement
1.6 Experimental methods
Further reading
2 An atom in a laser field
2.1 Time-dependent systems
2.2 Sudden jumps
2.3 Oscillating fields
2.4 Time-dependent perturbation theory
2.5 Rabi flopping and Fermi's Golden Rule
2.6 Raman transitions
2.7 Rabi flopping and Ramsey fnnges
2.8 Measurement and initialization
Further reading
3 Spins in magnetic fields
3.1 The nuclear spin Hamiltonian
3.2 The rotating frame
3.3 On- and ofF-resonance excitation
3.4 The vector model
3.5 Spin echoes
3.6 Measurement and initialization
Further reading
4 Photon techniques
4.1 Spatial encoding
4.2 Polarization encoding
4.3 Single-photon sources and detectors
4.4 Conventions
Further reading
5 Two qublts and beyond
5.1 Direct products
5.2 Matrix forms
5.3 Two-qubit gates
5.4 Networks and circuits
5.5 Entangled states
Further reading
6 Measurement and entanglement
6.1 Measuring a single qubit
6.2 Ensembles and the no-cloning theorem
6.3 Fidelity
6.4 Local operations and classical communication
Further reading
7 Principles of quantum computing
7.1 Reversible computing
7.2 Quantum parallelism
7.3 Getting the answer out
7.4 The DiVincenzo criteria
Further reading
8 Elementary quantum algorithms
8.1 Deutsch's algorithm
8.2 Why it works
8.3 Circuit identities
Part II Quantum computation
8.4 Deutsch's algorithm and interferometry
8.5 Grover's algorithm
8.6 Error correction
8.7 Decoherence-firee subspaces
Further reading
9 More advanced quantum algorithms
9.1 The Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
9.2 The Bemstein-Vazirani algorithm
9.3 Deutsch-Jozsa and period finding
9.4 Fourier transforms and quantum factoring
9.5 Graver's algorithm
9.6 Generalizing Grover's algorithm
9.7 Quantum simulation
9.8 Experimental implementations
Further reading
10 Trapped atoms and Ions
10.1 Ion traps
10.2 Atom traps and optical lattices
10.3 Initialization
10.4 Decoherence
10.5 Universal logic
10.6 Two-qubit gates with ions
10.7 Two-qubit gates with atoms
10.8 Massive entanglement
10.9 Readout
Further reading
11 Nuclear magnetic resonance
11.1 Qubits
11.2 Initialization
11.3 Decoherence
11.4 Universal logic
11.5 Readout
Further reading
12 Large-scale quantum computers
12.1 Trapped ions
12.2 Optical lattices
12.3 NMR
12.4 Other approaches
Further reading
13 Basics of Information theory
13.1 Classical information
Part III Quantum communication
13.2 Mutual information
13.3 The communication channel
13.4 Connection to statistical physics
Further reading
14 Quantum information
14.1 The density operator
14.2 Global and local measurements
14.3 Information content of a density operator
14.4 Joint entropy and mutual information
14.5 Quantum channels
Further reading
15 Quantum communication
15.1 Parametric down-conversion
15.2 Quantum dense coding
15.3 Quantum teleportation
15.4 Entanglement swapping
Further reading
16 Testing ERR
16.1 Bell inequalities
16.2 GHZ states
Further reading
17 Quantum cryptography
17.1 One-time pads and the Vernam cipher
17.2 The BB84 protocol
17.3 The Ekert91 protocol
17.4 Experimental setups
Further reading

9781107014466 (hardback)

Quantum Computers
Information theory in physics
SCIENCE / Quantum Theory

004.1 / JON/Q
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