Contemporary religions Satanism: A critical anthology

Petersen, Aagaard Jesper

Contemporary religions Satanism: A critical anthology Jesper Aagaard Petersen - 1st - New York: Ashagate Publishing, 2009. - 277 p.

Introduction: Embracing Satan
Jesper Aagaard Peters en
PART I Broader Studies: History, Tradition, Legitimacy
2 Satanism: Performing Alterity and Othering 27
Graham Harvey
3 Infernal Legitimacy 41
James R. Lewis
4 Darkness Within: Satanism as a Self-Religion 59
Asbjorn Dvrendal
5 Sclf-Conscious Routinization and the Post-Charismatic Fate of the
Church of Satan from 1997 to the Present 75
Maxwell Davies
6 Embracing Others than Satan: The Multiple Princes of Darkness
in the Left-Hand Path Milieu 85
Kennel Granholm
7 The Devil's Down in Dixie: Studying Satanism in South Georgia 103
Kathleen Lownev
8 The Peculiarities of Lithuanian Satanism: Between Crime and
Atheism in Cyberspace 121
Milda Alisaiiskiene
9 Satanism in Estonia 129
Ringo Ringvee
10 Cyber-Satanism and Imagined Satanism: Dark Symptoms of
Late Modernity 14!
Rafal Smoczynski
11 Social Democratic Satanism? Some Examples of Satanism
in Scandinavia 153
Diclrik Soderlind and Ashjorn Dyrendal
12 "With my Art 1 am the Fist in the Face of god": On Old-School
Black Metal 171
Giy Mark
13 Italian Martyrs of "Satanism": Sister Maria Laura Mainetti and
Father Giorgio Govoni 199
Andrea Menegotto
14 Speculating on the Point 003 Percent? Some Remarks on the
Chaotic Satanic Minorities in the UK 211
Dave Evans
15 Reflections on Satanism 231
Vexen Crabtree
16 Excerpt from Lords of the LeR-Hand Path: A History of Spiritual
Dissent 239
Stephen E. Flowers
17 Dark Doctrines: Two Examples ' 247
Tani Jantsang
18 The Satanic Politic 255
Nathan IVardinski
19 The Culture Cult 259
Ole Wolf


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