Basic documentns in international law/

Basic documentns in international law/ edited by Ian Brownline - 5th ed. - New York: Oxford University press, 1967. - 341 p.

1. CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS; 2. Declaration of principles of international Law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among states in accordance with the charter of the United Nations; 3. Statement of the four sponsoring powers on voting procedure in the security council; 4. Constitution of the international labour organization; 5. Charter of the organization of African unity; 1. CONVENTIONS ADOPTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA, 29 APRIL 1958; 2. Declaration of principles governing the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction; 3. Convention of the law of the sea (Parts I-X); TREATY ON PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE ACTIVITIES OF STATES IN THE EXPLORATION AND USE OF OUTER SPACE, INCLUDING THE MOON AND OTHER CELESTIAL BODIES; VIENNA CONVENTION ON DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS; 1. GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION OF 1962 ON PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY OVER NATURAL RESOURCES; 2. Charter of economic rights and duties of states; 1. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS; 2. International covenants on human rights; 3. Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples; 4. International convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination; 5. The european convention for the protection of human rights; VIENNA CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF TREATIES; ARTICLES ON RESPONSIBILITY FOR STATES FOR INTERNATIONALLY WRONGFUL ACTS; STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE; STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE PROSECUTION OF PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR SERIOUS VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW COMMITTED IN THE TERRITORY OF THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA SINCE 1991; INDEX


principles of international Law

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