Early childhood education: an international encyclopedia/

Early childhood education: an international encyclopedia/ edited by Rebecca S. New and Moncrieff Cochran - London: Praeger, 2007. - 4 v. (xxxv, 1379 p.) : ill. ; 27 cm.

v. 1. A-D --
v. 2. E-N --
v. 3. O-Z --
v. 4. The countries. Abecedarian Program --
Academics --
Accreditation of Early Childhood Programs --
Act for Better Child Care (ABC) --
Action Research --
Addams, Jane (1860-1935) --
Adoption --
Advocacy and Leadership in Early Childhood Education --
Almy, Millie (1915-2001) --
American Associate Degree Early Childhood Educators (ACCESS) --
Ashton-Warner, Sylvia (1908-1984) --
Assessment in Early Childhood --
Assessment, Visual Art --
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) --
Association for Constructivist Teaching (ACT) --
Attachment --
Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) --
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) --
Autism --
Bandura, Albert (1925- ) --
Bank Street --
Behaviorism --
Behavior Management and Guidance --
Biculturalism --
Bilingual Education --
Binet, Alfred (1857-1911) --
Black Caucus (NAEYC) --
Blow, Susan Elizabeth (1843-1916) --
Bowlby, John (1907-1990) --
Brain Development --
Bronfenbrenner, Urie (1917-2005) --
Bruner, Jerome (1915- ) --
Bullying --
Center for the Child Care Workforce (CCW) --
Cerebral Palsy (CP) --
Child Abuse and Neglect --
Child Abuse and Neglect, Prevention of --
Child Art --
Child Care --
Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) --
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections --
Child Care Subsidies and Tax Provisions --
Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program --
Child Development Group of Mississippi (CDGM) --
Children's Defense Fund (CDF) --
Children's Media --
Children's Museums --
Child Study Movement --
Classroom Discourse --
Classroom Environments --
Cognitive Development --
Comenius, John Amos (1592-1670) --
Computer and Video Game Play in Early Childhood --
Constructionism --
Constructivism --
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood --
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) (1989) --
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) --
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool --
Culture --
Curriculum --
Curriculum, Emotional Development --
Curriculum, Mathematics --
Curriculum, Music --
Curriculum, Physical Development --
Curriculum, Science --
Curriculum, Social Studies --
Curriculum, Visual Art --
Day Nurseries --
Deaf Children --
Development, Emotional --
Development, Language --
Development, Moral --
Development, Psychosocial Theory of --
Development, Social --
Developmental Delay --
Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood, A Taxonomy of --
Developmental-Interaction Approach --
Developmentally Appropriate Practice(s) (DAP) --
Developmental Systems Theories --
Dewey, John (1859-1952) --
Direct Instruction Model --
Disabilities, Young Children with --
Division for Early Childhood (DEC) --
Documentation --
Domestic Violence --
Down Syndrome --
Early Care and Education Programs, Administration of --
Early Child Development and Care --
Early Childhood Education Journal (ECEJ) --
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales (ERS) --
Early Childhood Music Education Commission (ECME) --
Early Childhood Research & Practice (ECRP) --
Early Childhood Research Quarterly (ECRQ) --
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) --
Early Head Start --
Early Intervention --
Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development --
Ecology of Human Development --
Education 3-13 --
Eliot, Abigail Adams (1892-1992) --
Emergent Curriculum --
Environmental Assessments in Early Childhood Education --
Erikson, Erik H. (1902-1994) --
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (EECERJ) --
Even Start --
Exchange --
Families --
Family Literacy --
Family Systems Theory (FST) --
Fathers --
Feminism in Early Childhood Education --
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) --
Frank, Lawrence Kelso (1890-1968) --
Freud, Anna (1895-1982) --
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939) --
Froebel, Friedrich (1782-1852) --
Gay or Lesbian Parents, Children with --
Gender and Gender Stereotyping in Early Childhood Education --
Gesell, Arnold (1880-1961) --
Gifted and Talented Children in the United States --
Good Start, Grow Smart --
Gordon, Ira J. (1923-1978) --
Grade Retention --
Grouping --
Hailmann, Eudora Lucas (1835-1904) --
Hailmann, William Nicholas (1836-1920) --
Hall, G(ranville) Stanley (1844-1924) --
Hawkins, David (1913-2002) and Hawkins, Frances Pockman (1913- ) --
Head Start --
High/Scope --
High/Scope Perry Preschool Study --
Hill, Patty Smith (1868-1946) --
History of U.S. Early Childhood Care and Education --
Hunt, Joseph McVicker (1906-1991) --
Hymes, James L., Jr. (1913-1998) --
IEA Preprimary Project --
Immigration --
Incarcerated Parents, Children of --
Inclusion --
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) --
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) --
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) --
Infant Care --
Intelligence --
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) --
Intelligence Testing --
Interagency Education Research Initiative (IERI) --
International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC) --
International Journal of Early Years Education --
International Journal of Special Education --
International Kindergarten Union (IKU) --
International Reading Association (IRA) --
Isaacs, Susan (1885-1948) --
Journal of Early Childhood Research --
Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education (JECTE) --
Journal of Early Intervention (JEI) --
The Journal of Special Education Leadership --
Jumpstart --
Kindergarten --
Kohlberg, Lawrence (1927-1987) --
Laboratory Schools --
Language Diversity --
Learning Disabilities (LD) --
Literacy --
Literacy and Disabilities --
Literacy Curriculum --
Lowenfeld, Viktor (1903-1960) --
Luria, A.R. (1902-1977). Malaguzzi, Loris (1920-1994) --
Maslow, Abraham (1908-1970) --
Mathematics --
Maturationism --
McCormick Tribune Center for Early Childhood Leadership --
McMillan, Margaret (1860-1931) --
McMillan, Rachel (1859-1917) --
Mental Health --
Mitchell, Lucy Sprague (1878-1967) --
Mixed-Age Grouping in Early Childhood Education --
Montessori, Maria (1878-1952) --
Montessori Education --
Multicultural and Anti-Bias Education --
Multiple Intelligences, Theory of --
Narrative --
National Association for Regulatory Administration (NARA) --
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) --
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Academy for Early Childhood Program Accreditation --
National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) --
National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE) --
National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) --
National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) --
National Committee on Nursery Schools (1925-1931) --
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) --
National Education Goals Panel (NEGP) --
National Head Start Association (NHSA) --
National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development --
Naumburg, Margaret (1890-1983) --
NHSA Dialog --
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLBA) --
North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA) --
Nutrition and Early Childhood Education --
Obesity --
Open Education --
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) --
Osborn, D. Keith (1927-1994) --
Owen, Grace (1873-1965) --
Owen, Robert (1771-1858) --
Parental Substance Abuse --
Parenting Education --
Parents and Parent Involvement --
Parker, Francis W. (1837-1902) --
Parten, Mildred (1902- ) --
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936) --
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer (1804-1894) --
Pedagogy --
Pedagogy, Activity-Based/Experiential --
Pedagogy, Child-Centered --
Pedagogy, Social Justice/Equity --
Peer Culture --
Peers and Friends --
Pestalozzi, Johann (1746-1827) --
Philanthropy and Young Children --
Piaget, Jean (1896-1980) --
Play --
Play and Gender --
Play and Pedagogy --
Play as Storytelling --
Playgrounds --
Play, Teacher's Role in --
Play Therapy --
Portage Project --
Poverty, Family and Child --
Pratt, Caroline (1867-1954) --
Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Program (PCER) --
Preschool/Prekindergarten Programs --
Professional Development --
Professional Ethics --
Program for Infant Toddler Caregivers (PITC) --
The Project Approach --
Qualitative Research --
Quantitative Analyses/Experimental Designs --
Race and Ethnicity in Early Childhood Education --
Read, Katherine (1904-1991) --
Read-Alouds and Vocabulary Development --
Readiness --
Reconceptualists --
Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education --
Reggio Inspired Teacher Education (RITE) --
Rogers, Carl (1902-1987) --
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) --
Ruggles Street Nursery School and Training Center (Boston, Massachusetts) --
School-Age Care --
Second Language Acquisition in Early Childhood --
Self-Esteem and Self-Concept --
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) --
Sex and Sexuality in Young Children --
Sexual Abuse --
Social Cognitive Theory --
Social Competence --
Social Curriculum --
Socioeconomic Status (SES) --
Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) --
Spiritual Development --
Standardized Tests and Early Childhood Education --
State Pre-Kindergarten Programs --
Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925) --
Symbolic Languages --
Teacher Certification/Licensure --
Teacher Education and Compensation Helps (TEACH) --
Teacher Education, Early Childhood --
Teacher Research --
Teaching Exceptional Children (TEC) --
Technology Curriculum --
Television --
Temperament --
Temple, Alice (1871-1946) --
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) --
Thorndike, Edward L. (1847-1949) --
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education (TECSE) --
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) --
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) --
Violence and Young Children --
Visual Impairment --
Vygotsky, Lev Semenovich (1896-1934) --
Waldorf Education --
War Play --
Watson, John B. (1878-1958) --
Weikart, David P. (1931-2003) --
Wheelock, Lucy (1857-1946) --
White, Edna Noble (1879-1954) --
Whiting, Beatrice (1914-2004) --
Whiting, John W.M. (1908-1999) --
Wiggin, Kate Douglas (1855-1923) --
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) --
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) --
The World Forum on Early Care and Education --
World Health Organization (WHO) --
World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) --
Worthy Wage Campaign --
Yale University Child Study Center (1911-2005) --
Young Children --
Zero to Three --
The countries --
Australia --
Brazil --
China --
Czech Republic --
France --
Italy --
Japan --
South Africa --
Sweden --
United Kingdom.

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Early childhood education

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