Discovering the realm beyond appearance: pointers to the inexpressible/

Powell, Robert

Discovering the realm beyond appearance: pointers to the inexpressible/ Robert Powell - Delhi : New Age Books, 2005. - 198p. ; 22cm.

1. Entering the Stream of Consciousness
2. Non-Duality Appears Counter-Intuitive
to the Dualistic Mind
3. Maya is a Stage in Our Understanding
4. Death is Feared Because It is Not Understood
5. Thinking is a Double-Edged Sword
6. Inquiry — Mans Highest and Noblest Activity
7. Two Maverick Masters —
J. Krishnamurti and Nisargadatta
8. Taking One's Stand in the Eternal
9. Religious Beliefs, Morality and
Spiritual Truth
10. Reincarnation — Fact or Fiction?
11. Conversation on Vulnerability,
Criminality, Memory, Crazy Wisdom,
Sacred Art, and Other Topics
12. Conversation with Sri Poonja
on Body-Mind
13. Where is the Self? Where is "I" -ness?
14. Realization of Self through Short-
Circuiting the Thought Process
15. Logic Applies to Thought, Intuition
to Consciousness
16. By Force of Habit


Spiritual life -- Hinduism.

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