Suraṃgamasamadhisutra: the concentration of heroic progress: an early Mahayana Buddhist scripture/

Lamotte, E.

Suraṃgamasamadhisutra: the concentration of heroic progress: an early Mahayana Buddhist scripture/ E. Lamotte - Delhi : MBP, 2003. - xxviii,273p. ; 23cm.

Chapter One

I. The text
II. Setting and persons
III. The subject: Concentration
1. Samadhi in the Sravaka or Small Vehicle
2. Samadhi in the Great Vehicle
IV. Historical background of the Sutra
V. Sources of the Sutra

Chapter Two

I. Translation by Chih Ch'an...
II & III. Ssu-chuan translations
IV. Translation by Chih Ch'ien
V. Translation by Po Yen
VI. Translation by Dharmaraksa
Commentary by Po Yiian
VII. Translation by Chu Shu-Ian .
VIII. Combined edition by Chih Min-tu
Commentary by Hsieh Fu.
IX. Translation by Chih Shih-lun
X. Translation by Kumarajiva...,
Commentary by Shih Hung-ch'ung
XI. Additional Note
XII. Tibetan translation.

The Most Excellent Concentration
The Heroic Progress
The Offering of a Throne
The Multiplication of the Buddhas
Unreality and Identity of the Tathagatas
The Hundred Aspects of the Heroic Progress .
The Heroic Progress and Good Dharmas
The Heroic Progress and the Perfections.
1. Danaparamita...
2. $ilaparamita
3. Ksantiparamita.
4. VJryaparamita...
5. Dhyanaparamita
6. Prajnaparamita.
Liberating Action of the Heroic Progress
Instantaneous and Simultaneous Practice of the Perfections
Gradual Training in the Heroic Progress
Secrets and Mysteries of Meru^ikharadhara
Gopaka's Devotion and Change of Sex
Multiple Appearance of a Bodhisattva in the Heroic Progress
Various Transformations of the Assembly...
Necessity of Acquiring the Heroic Progress.
Philosophical Discussion.
1, The Practice ofthe Heroic Progress ....
2. The End Result of the Heroic Progress
3; The Nirvana ofthe Buddhas
4. The Absence ofa Base
5. The Bodhisattva's Eloquence,
Revelations Concerning the Devaputra *Matyabhimukha.
Mara Tied with the Five Bonds
The Twelve Bonds of False Views
The Virtue of the Name ...
Bondage and Deliverance
Conversion of the Daughters of the Gods .
Self-interested Conversion of Mara.
Conversion of the Lustful Devakanyas
Further Guile of Mara
Prediction to Mara.
The Four Kinds of Prediction.
1 Anutpaditabodhicittavyakarana.
2. Utpdditahodhicittavydkaram
3. Rahovydkarana.
4. Anutpattikadhannaksdntilabdhasammukhavydkarana
Bodhisattvas Having Received the Prediction
Prediction Conferred on the Daughters of the Gods
Fallacious Departure of Mara
Respective Value of Offerings to the Buddha
Exploits of Maragocaranupalipta in the Heroic Progress
Exploits of the Buddha in the Heroic Progress
Extension of the Heroic Progress to Other World Systems
Faith in the Heroic Progress
The Field of Merit.
The Truly Learned
Prediction to Vimalacandragarbha
Provisional Nature of Pratyekabodhi.
Manju^rFs Fictitious Nirvana
Exploits of the Bodhisattvas in the Heroic Progress
Superiority of the Offender over the Holy One.
Two Hundred Discouraged Bodhisattvas Obtain the Ten Powers
Why and How to Practise the Heroic Progress
Maitreya in the Heroic Progress
Manjusri Identical to the Buddha Nagavarn^agra
Appearance of the Buddhas of the Ten Regions
Protection Assured to the Heroic Progress
Identity of the Buddhas Sakyamuni and Vairocana
The Wonderfiil Effects of the Heroic Progress
1. Longevity and Security.
2. Twenty Inconceivable Virtues
3. Reaching Enlightenment
4. Confident Faith


Tripiṭaka. -- Sūtrapiṭaka. -- Śūraṅgamasamādhisūtra -- Criticism, Textual.
Mahayana Buddhism -- Sacred books.
Buddhism -- China.

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