Living in the end times/

Zizek, Slavoj

Living in the end times/ Slavoj Zizek - London: Verso, 2010. - 416p. 25cm.

1 Denial: The Liberal Utopia 1
Aqainift the Tartar-Loeere—Leqalute Venuui Confiwuinii—No Caoteo
Without OutcaotJ —Legal Luck, or, the Loop of the Act—The Utopia
for a Race of Deoib — Coda: Alultieulturalbm, the Reality o f an Illuoion
Interlude 1. Hollywood Today: Report From an Ideological
Battlefield 54
What Doeo the Joker Want? — The Sad Leo, ton of Remakeo —Leo
non-dupeo errent— The Price of Surowal

2 Anger: The Actuality of the Theologico-Political 80
Thinking Backwarch —"Nothing b forbidden in my faith"— "I die)
not come to bring peace, but a oword —Giieoara ao a Reader of
Roiiooeaii — Slap Thy Neighbor!— The Subject Siippooed Not to Know
Interlude 2. Reverberations of the Crisis in a Multi-Centric
World 135
"The Jew b within you, but you, you are in the Jew —Zioniot Anti-
Semitbm —China, Haiti, Congo—Europe : US = Kant: Hegel?

3 Bargaining: The Return of the Critique of Political Economy 181
"Dare to win!"—In Defenoe of a Non-Marxiot Marx— Why Maooeo
Are Not Dioided Into Claooeo — The Labor Theory of Value Reobited—
From Hegel to Marx . . . and Back — Proletariaiw or Rent i'ero?
Interlude 3. The Architectural Parallax 244
Pootmodernbm and Claoo Struggle — The Incommenoiirability —
The Envelope. . . .of the Claoo Struggle — Spandreb

4 Depression: The Neuronal Trauma, or, the Rise of
the Proletarian Cogito 279
Cogito Agaiiuit Hi.itoricumi — The Freiuh'nn [ ^ncoihwunui Vereue
the Cerebral Unconrcionr — The Libibinal Proletariat
Interlude 4. Apocalypse at the Gates 315
My Own Prioate Auotria — The Ubuunu of Power— Welcome to the
Anthropocene — Verouvio of the Apocalypoe

5 Acceptance: The Cause Regained 353
/n 1968, Striictureo Walked the Streelo: Will They Do SoAyain? —
Signo From the Future: Kafka, Platonoc, Sturyeon, Vertoo, Satie
Violence Between Diocipline and Ohocenity — The Infinite Judgment of
Democracy— The Agent


Economic history -- 21st century
Economics -- Sociological aspects
Financial crises -- Philosophy

320 / ZIZ/L
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