Gram panchayat leadership: The grassroots realities of select districts of Madhya Pradesh/

Rewadikar, Nalini

Gram panchayat leadership: The grassroots realities of select districts of Madhya Pradesh/ Nalini Rewadikar - Jaipur: Rawat, 2010. - 222 p. 22cm.

1 Introduction ^
2 Profile of the Study Area 30
3 The Moulding Factors
4 Perceptions about the Awareness of Powers
and Responsibilities 112
5 Women in Grassroots Panchayat Raj Leadership 161
6 Structural and Implementational Challenges 178
7 Conclusion 1


Panchayat -- India -- Madhya Pradesh.
Panchayat -- India -- Malwa (Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan)

300 / REW/G
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