Health communication/

Health communication/ edited by Gary L. Kreps - Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2010. - 435p.

Volume IV: Health Communication and New
Information Technologies (eHealth)
Introduction: Health Communication and Health Information
Technologies (eHealth) vii
Gary L. Kreps
70. New Technologies in Health Communication: Progress or Panacea? 1
Michael A Chamberlain
71. Health Commimication on the Internet: An Effective Charmel
for Health Behavior Change? 17
Michael M. Gassell, Christine Jackson and Brian Gheuvront
72. Consumers and Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication
Applications 29
David H. Gustafson, Thomas N. Robinson, David Ansley, Linda Adler
and Patricia Flatley Brennan
73. Computer-Mediated Support Groups: An Examination of Relationships
among Social Support, Perceived Stress, and Coping Strategies 43
Kevin B. Wright
74. Recent Advances: Consumer Health Informatics 59
Gunther Eysenbach
75. Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using
Information Technology 69
David W. Bates, Michael Gohen, Lucian L. Leape, J. Marc Overhage,
M. Michael Shabot and Thomas Sheridan
76. The Promise and Challenge of eHealth Interventions 85
Nancy L. Atkinson and Robert S. Gold
77. How Do Consumers Search for and Appraise Health Information
on the World Wide Web? Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups,
Usability Tests, and In-Depth Interviews 99
Gunther Eysenbach and Christian Kdhler
78. Rethinking Communication in the E-Health Era 109
Linda Neuhauser and Gary L. Kreps
79. Tailored Messages for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
of Low-Income and Minority Women Using Medical Records Data 133
Maria L. Jibaja-Weiss, Robert J. Volk, Paul Kingery, Quentin W. Smith
and J. David Holcomb
80. Assessing Communication Competence in an Online Study:
Toward Informing Subsequent Interventions among Older Adults
with Cancer, Their Lay Caregivers, and Peers 149
Jim L. Query, Jr and Kevin Wright
81. Health-Related Support Groups on the Internet: Linking
Empirical Findings to Social Support and Computer-Mediated
Communication Theory 163
Kevin B. Wright and Sally B. Bell
82. The First Generation of e-Patients 185
Tom Ferguson and Gilles Frydman
83. Health Related Virtual Communities and Electronic Support Groups:
Systematic Review of the Effects of Online Peer to Peer Interactions 189
Gunther Eysenbach, John Powell, Marina Englesakis, Carlos Rizo
and Anita Stern
84. How New Subscribers Use Cancer-Related Online Mailing Lists 203
Barbara K. Rimer, Elizabeth J. Lyons, Kurt M. Ribisl, J. Michael Bowling,
Carol E. Colin, Michael J. Forlenza and Andrea Meier
85. Emerging Technologies for Cancer Prevention and Other
Population Health Challenges 223
Thomas R. Eng
86. Creating a Framework for Online Cancer Services Research
to Facilitate Timely and Interdisciplinary Applications 233
Pamela Whitten, Gary L. Kreps and Matthew S. Eastin
87. Reducing the Cancer Burden of Lifestyle Factors: Opportunities
and Challenges of the Internet 249
Amanda L. Graham and David B. Abrams
88. What Is eHealth (6): Perspectives on the Evolution
of eHealth Research 267
David K. Ahern, Jennifer M. Kreslake and Judith M. Phalen
89. Telemedicine: Its Effects on Health Communication 289
Jonathan Matusitz and Gerald-Mark Breen
90. Use of the Internet to Communicate with Health Care Providers
in the United States: Estimates from the 2003 and 2005 Health
Information National Trends Surveys (HINTS) 311
Ellen Burke Beckjord, Lila J. Finney Rutten, Linda Squiers,
Neeraj K. Arora, Lindsey Volckmann, Richard P Moser
and Bradford W. Hesse
91. Health Communication Technology and Quality Cancer Care 325
Linda M. Harris, Gary L. Kreps and Connie Dresser
92. Can E-Mail Messages between Patients and Physicians
Be Patient-Centered? 339
Debra L. Roter, Susan Larson, Daniel Z. Sands, Daniel E. Ford
and Thomas Houston
93. Online Participation: A Content Analysis of Differences
in Utilization of Two Online Cancer Communities by Men
and Women, Patients and Family Members 351
Tamar Ginossar
94. A Review of Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions (WATIs) 371
Beth C. Bock, Amanda L. Graham, Jessica A. Whiteley and
Jacqueline L. Stoddard
95. The Role of Message Tailoring in the Development of Persuasive
Health Communication Messages 387
Seth M. Noar, Nancy Grant Harrington and
Rosalie Shemanski Aldrich


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