
Islam/ edited by Mona Siddiqui - Los Angles: Sage, 2010. - 361p. 15.6cm


Volume IV: Gender and Politics

53. Women and Hadlth Transmission Two Case Studies
from Mamluk Damascus 1
Asma Sayeed
54. Disciplining Wives: A Historical Reading of Qur'an 4:34 27
Manuela Marm
55. Muftis and Matrimony: Islamic Law and Gender in Ottoman Syria
and Palestin 57
Judith E. Tucker
56. Women in the Afterlife: The Islamic View as Seen
from Qur'an and Tradition 87
Jane I. Smith and Yvonne Y. Haddad
57. Islamic Feminism and Its Discontents: Toward a Resolution
of the Debate 101
Valentine M. Moghadam
58. Gendered Transformations: Beauty, Love, and Sexuality
in Qajar Iran 133
Afsaneh Najmabadi
59. Internationalizing the Conversation on Women's Rights:
Arab Countries Face the CEDAW Committee 149
Ann Elizabeth Mayer
60. Exploited by Whom? An Alternative Perspective on Humanitarian
Assistance to Afghan Women 171
Sultan Barakat and Gareth Warded
61. The Saudi Public Speaks: Religion, Gender, and Politics 195
Mansoor Moaddel
62. The Golden Age: The Political Concepts of Islam 229
Ira M. Lapidus
63. The Origins and Objectives of Islamic Revivalist Thought,
1750-1850 243
Ahmad Dallal
64. Rhetoric, Discourse, and the Future of Hope 273
Richard W. Bulliet
65. Public Islam and the Problem of Democratization 281
Robert W. Hefner
66. Three Islamic Strands in the South African Struggle for Justice 305
Farid Esack
67. Contentious Public Religion: Two Conceptions of Islam in
Revolutionary Iran - Ali Shari'ati and Abdolkarim Soroush 329
Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi
68. Globalization and the Politics of Religious Knowledge:
Pluralizing Authority in the Muslim World 347
Peter Mandaville


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