
Islam/ edited by Mona Siddiqui - Los Angles: Sage, 2010. - 541p. 15.6cm.

Appendix of Sources
Editor's Introduction: Islam - Mona Siddiqui

Volume I: Qur'an and Prophecy
1. Understanding the Qur'an in Text and Context 1
Richard C. Martin
2. Qur'an as Spoken Word: An Islamic Contribution
to the Understanding of Scripture 23
William A. Graham
3. The Tasks and Traditions of Interpretation 47
Jane Dammen McAuliffe
4. The Dilemma of the Literary Approach to the Qur'an 73
Nasr Abu-Zayd
5. Structure and the Emergence of Community 101
Angelika Neuwirth
6. Sound, Spirit, and Gender in Surat al-Qadr 123
Michael Sells
7. The Light Verse: Qur'anic Text and Sufi Interpretation 155
Gerhard Bowering
8. Some Key Ethical Concepts of the Qur'an 185
Fazlur Rahman
9. The Will in the Qur'an 201
Frederick M. Denny
10. Themes and Topics 207
Daniel A. Madigan
11. Readings of the Qur'an in London and Najaf: John Wansbrough
and Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr 223
Chibli Mallat
12. History and Nostalgia: Reflections on John Wansbrough's
The Sectarian Milieu 243
Norman Calder
13. Images of Muhammad in the Work of Iqbal: Tradition and Alterations 267
Earle H. Waugh
14. The Signs of Prophecy: The Emergence and Early Development
of a Theme in Arabic Theological Literature 279
Sarah Stroumsa
15. Pre-Existence and Light: Aspects of the Concept of Nur Muhammad 291
U. Rubin
16. The Story of Portraits of the Prophet Muhammad 345
Olr Grabar and Mika Natif
17. Devorion to the Prophet and His Family in Egyptian Sufism 367
Valerie J. Hoffman-Ladd
18. Metaphors and Sacred History: The Genealogy of Muhammad
and the Arab "Tribe" 395
Daniel Martin Varisco
19. The Quest of the Historical Muhammad 423
EE. Peters


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