The Public Eervants (Enqueries) Act,1850 (Bare Act)/

The Public Eervants (Enqueries) Act,1850 (Bare Act)/ Universal Law Publishing - New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing, 2010. - 7 p.

Introduction j
1. Short title 3
2. Articles of charge to be drawn out for public inquiry into conduct of certain public servants ^ 3
3. Authorities to whom inquiry may be committed— Notice to accused 3
4. Conduct of Government prosecution 3
5. Charge by accuser to be written and verified— Penalty for false aecusation—Institution of inquiry by Government 3
6. Security from accuser left by Government to prosecute 3
7. Power of Government to abandon prosecution and to allow accuser to continue it 4
8. Powers of commissioners—Their protection. Service of their process—Powers of court etc., acting under commission 4
9. Penalty for disobedience to process 4
10. Copy of charge and list to be furnished to accused 4
11. Procedure at beginning of inquiiy—Non-appearance of accused and admission of eharge 5
12. Prosecutor's right of 5
13. Evidence for prosecution and examination of witnesses—Re-examination by prosecutor 5
14. Power to admit or call for new evidenee or prosecution—Accused's right to adjournment 5
15. Defence of accu.sed—To be recorded only when written 5
16. Evidence for defenee and examination of witnesses 5
17. [Repealed] . 5
18. Notes of oral evidence 5
19. Inquiry when closed with defence—Prosecutor when entitled to reply and give evidence—Accused not entitled to adjournment 6
20. Power to require amendment of charge and to adjourn.—Reason for refusing adjournment to be recorded 6
21. Report of commissioners proceedings 6 22. Power to call for further evidence or explanation.—inquiry into additional articles of charge—Reference of report of special commissioners' final orders. 5
23. Definition of "Government" 6
24. Saving of enactments as to dismissal of certain officers— Commission under Act for their trial 6
25. Saving of power of removal without inquiry under Act

Bare Act

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