Interpretive political science/

Interpretive political science/ edited by Mark Bevir - Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. - 362p. 15.6cm.

Volume II; Interpretive Methods
Introduction: Interpretive Methods vii
Mark Bevir

17. Hermeneutics, Political Inquiry, and Practical Reason: 3
An Evolving Challenge to Political Science
Michael T. Gibbons
18. Interpretation and Its Others 21
Mark Bevir and R.A W. Rhodes

Qualitative Methods
19. Bridging Positivist and Interpretivist Approaches to 47
Qualitative Methods
Ann Chih Lin
20. Democracy and Dichotomies: A Pragmatic Approach to 71
Choices about Concepts
David Collier and Robert Adcock
21. Concept Formation in Political Science: An Anti-naturalist 99
Critique of Qualitative Methodology
Mark Bevir and AsafKedar
22. On Improving Qualitative Methods in Public Admmistration 127
Ralph S. Brower, Mitchel Y. Abolafia and Jered B. Carr
23.Emerging Criteria for Quality in Qualitative and 159
Interpretive Research
Yvonna S. Lincoln

Ethnography and Interviewing
24. Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture 177
Clifford Ceertz
25. From the Inside Out: Ethnographic Methods in Political Research 201
Lorraine Bayard de Volo and Edward Schatz
26. Asking Questions: Techniques for Semistructured Interviews 213
Beth L. Leech
27. Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint: Feminist 223
Strategies for Interviewing and Analysis
Marjorie L. DeVault

Textual Analysis
28. An Overview of Content Analysis
Steve Stemler253
29. Extracting Policy Positions from Political Texts Using Words as Data
Michael I,aver, Kenneth Benoit and John Garry263
30. Ideology and Post-Marxism
Ernesto Laclau303
31. Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis
Teun A. van Dijk 317
32. How Buildings Mean
Nelson Goldman and Catherine Z. Elgin 353


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