Lethal laws: animal lasting human health & environmental policy/

Fano, A.

Lethal laws: animal lasting human health & environmental policy/ A. Fano - London: Zed Books, 1998. - 242 p. HB

1. Fatal connection: cancer and animal testing
The politics of cancer /y The debate over the causes
of cancer /8 Turning to animal testing for answers /9
A brief history of toxicological testing on animals /ii
2. The numbers game: how animal-based toxicological
risk assessment works
The US National Toxicology Program /19 Toxicological
risk assessment: a brief overview /20 How the NT?
animal testing program works /21 The species and
numbers of animals used in toxicity tests /21 How animal
testing is performed /24 How animal data are extrapolated
to humans /27 How animal data are used within the
regulatory framework /28
3. For the public good? Debunking the animal testing
The arguments in favor of animal testing 744 The
arguments against /49 The difficulty of inter-species
extrapolation /50 False positives/false negatives /57
Different testing methods produce different results /60
The artificiality of laboratory life 764 The 'dirt' on
'germfree' animals 766 Humans make mistakes 768
The animal tests have never been validated 769
A criticism of specific tests and methods 774 Humanit
arian considerations 778 Time and cost of testing 784
4. Human health at risk
Criticism of the risk assessment process /103 Getting
away with murder /106 Why animal tests do not protect
humans from toxins /109 Particular chemicals as
examples /i 12 The laws and guidelines governing animal
testing requirements /122 The business of animal testing:
who profits? /131
5. Toxicological testing without using animals
The 'alternatives' concept /153 Examples of non-animal
toxicological testing methods /153 The alternatives
scam: refinement and reduction vs. full replacement /168
The validation issue: a barrier to a full and immediate
ban on animal testing /179 Some success stories /186
6. Reclaiming our health and our humanity: strategies
for change
The need for a new paradigm /209 Chemical
bans /214 The path to revolution: forms of public
protest /217 The activist struggle in the face of
economic globalization /219 Environmentalists and
animal advocates: a necessary union /220 Legislation /222
The False Claims Act: a legal challenge to the US
government /223 The future of toxicity testing without
animals /225

179.4 / FAN/L
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