Medicinal chemistry/

Kar, Ashutosh

Medicinal chemistry/ Ashutosh Kar - New Delhi: New Age International, 2010. - 1013 p.

Chapter 1: Pharmaceutical impurities --
Chapter 2: Monographs --
Chapter 3: Isotopes --
Chapter 4: Dentifrices-Desensitizing agents-Anticaries agents --
Chapter 5: General anesthetics --
Chapter 6: Local anesthetics --
Chapter 7: Antiseptics, disinfectants, sterilants, and astringents --
Chapter 8: Purgatives, laxatives and antidiarrhoeal agents --
Chapter 9: Diagnostic agents --
Chapter 10: Coagulants, anticoagulants, and plasma extenders --
Chapter 11: Drug metabolism --
Chapter 12: Antiamoebic agents --
Chapter 13: Anthelminitic agents (Anthelminitics) --
Chapter 14: Antibacterials (Sulpha Drugs) --
Chapter 15: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) --
Chapter 16: Antimycobacterial drugs --
Chapter 17: Antinoeplastic agents --
Chapter 18: Antiviral drugs --
Chapter 19: Thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs --
Chapter 20: Antiallergic agents (Antihistaminics) --
Chapter 21: Antiulcer agents and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) --
Chapter 22: Oral hypoglycaemic agents --
Chapter 23: Antimalarials --
Chapter 24: Sedatives and hypnotics --
Chapter 25: Antiepileptics agents (Anticonvulsants) --
Chapter 26: Neuroleptic agents (Antipsychotic drugs) Chapter 27: Antianxiety drugs [or Anxiolytics] --
Chapter 28: Diuretics --
Chapter 29: Antibiotics --
Chapter 30: Steroids --
Chapter 31: Narcotic [Centrally acting] analgesics (Opiate analgesics) --
Chapter 32: Adrenergic drugs --
Chapter 33: Cholinergic drugs --
Chapter 34: Drugs used in neuromuscular disorders (muscle relaxants) --
Chapter 35: Hypertensive-Antihypertensive and antianginal agents --
Chapter 36: Eicosanoids --
Chapter 37: Quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs) --
Chapter 38: Asymmetric synthesis --
Chapter 39: Combinatorial chemistry --
Chapter 40: Antipyretic analgesics.


Pharmaceutical chemistry.

615.19540 / KAR/M
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