Fundamentals of analytical chemistry/

Skoog, Douglas A

Fundamentals of analytical chemistry/ Douglas A al. - 8th ed. - Fort Worth: Saunders College, 1996. - 27 cm.

Chapter 1 The Nature of Analytical Chemistry

PART I Tools of Analytical Chemistry

Chapter 2 Chemicals.Apparatus, and Unit Operations of
Analytical Chemistry
Chapter 3 Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry
Chapter 4 Calculations Used in Analytical Chemistry
Chapter 5 Errors in Chemical Analyses
Chapter 6 Random Errors in Chemical Analysis
Chapter 7 Statistical Data Treatment and Evaluation
Chapter 8 Sampling, Standardization, and Calibration

PART II Chemical Equilibria

Chapter 9 Aqueous Solutions and Chemical Equilibria
Chapter 10 Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria
Chapter 11 Solving Equilibrium Calculations for Complex

PART III Classical Methods of Analysis

Chapter 12 Gravimetric Methods ofAnalysis
Chapter 13 Titrimetric Methods; PrecipitationTitrimetry
Chapter 14 Principles of Neutralization Titrations
Chapter 15 Titration Curves for Complex Acid/Base Systems
Chapter 16 Applications of Neutralization Titrations
Chapter 17 Complexation Reactions and Titrations

PART IV Electrochemical Methods

Chapter 18 Introduction to Electrochemistry
Chapter 19 Applications of Standard Electrode Potentials
Chapter 20 Applications of Oxidation/Reduction Titrations
Chapter 21 Potentiometry
Chapter 22 Bulk Electrolysis: Electrogravimetry and Coulometry
Chapter 23 Voltaimiietry

PART V Spectrochemical Methods

Chapter 24 Introduction to Spectrochemical Methods
Chapter 25 Instruments for Optical Spectrometry
Chapter 26 Molecular Absorption Specirometry
Chapter 27 Molecular Fluorescence Spcctroscopy
Chapter 28 Atomic Spectroscopy

PART VI Kinetics and Separations

Chapter 29 Kinetic Methods of Analysis
Chapter 30 Introduction to Analytical Separations
Chapter 31 Gas Chromatography
Chapter 32 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Chapter 33 Miscellaneous Separation Methods

PART VII Practical Aspects of Chemical Analysis
Chapter 34 Analysis of Real Samples
Chapter 35 Preparing Samples for Analysis
Chapter 36 Decomposing and Dissolving the Sample
Chapter 37 Selected Methods of Analysis

Glossary G-1
Appendix 1 The Literature ofAnalytical Chemistry A-1
Appendix 2 Solubility Product Constants at 25°C A-6
Appendix 3 Acid Dissociation Constants at 25°C A-8
Appendix 4 Formation Constants at 25°C A-10
Appendix 5 Standard and Formal Electrode Potentials A-12
Appendix 6 Use of Exponential Numbers and Loganthms A-15
Appendix 7 Volumetric Calculations Using Normality and Equivalent Weight A-19
Appendix 8 Compounds Recommended for the Preparadon of Standard Solutions of Some Common Elements A-27
Appendix 9 Derivation of Error Propagation Equations A-29

Answers to Selected Questions and Problems A-34
Index 1-1


Analytical chemistry.

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