Society in India: Concepts, theories and recent trends/

Ahuja, Ram

Society in India: Concepts, theories and recent trends/ Ram Ahuja - Jaipur: Rawat, 2004. - xii, 504 p. 22 cm.

1 Historical Moorings of the Indian Society 1
2Traditional Hindu Social Organisation Traditional Hindu Society: Basic Tenets and Doctrines Indian Society Through the Ages Factors in Continuity and Change in Indian Society
Social Stratification 35
3Caste System and Social Stratification Caste and Varna, Sub-caste and Class Transformation of Caste System from Early to Medieval and British Periods: Its Ritual, Economic and Social Aspects Caste System in Present India Is Caste System Changing, Weakening or Disintegrating? Mobility in Caste
Casteism Issues of Equality and Social Justice
Caste and Politics
Scheduled Castes, Untouchability and Backward Classes 74
4The Scheduled Castes Untouchability: Its Eradication and Dalit Consciousness Other Backward Castes and Classes (OBCs) Agrarian and Industrial Class Structure
Family, Marriage and Kinship 97
Family System „ Marriage System Kinship System Changing Status of Women
5 Economic System 150
Indian Economy: Poverty and Inflation Market Economy and Liberalisation Policy: Its Social Consequences Jajmani System Economic Development: Its Determinants and Social Consequences Economic Inequality Occupational Diversification and Social Structure
Political System 185
Political System: Concept and Types Democratic Political System and Structure in Traditional and Modern Indian Society Political Elite: Recruitment, Orientations and Role in Social Change
Political Parties in India Decentralisation of Power and Political Participation
7 Educational System 215 ^
Education and Society Objectives of Education iS
The Traditional and the Modern Contexts of Education Educational Inequality and Social Mobility JEducatio'iT, Social Change and Modernisatiojg.^
Problems of Education National Policy on Education Education of Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes
Educational Reconstruction 8 Religion 240 j
Religion: Concept and its Sociological Relevance ' Religion: Living Patterns Interreligious Interaction and Conversions
Secularism and Secularisation * ' ^ Religion in Secular Society ^ ^
9 Tribal Society 274 Tribal Communities in India; Strength and Distribution
Distinctive Features of Tribal Communities
Tribe and Caste
Tribal Studies Tribal Exploitation and Unrest a
Tribal Problems
Tribal Movements Tribal Leadership
Tribal Women Protective Discrimination and Tribal Welfare and Development (or Tribal Transition) Acculturation and Changes in Tribal Culture Displacement and Resettlement of Tribals Integration and Assimilation
10 Rural Social System 299 Socio-cultural Dimensions of Rural Community Agrarian Class Structure Power Structure: Tradition and Change Rural Poverty and Indebtedness
Bonded Labour Land Reforms: Nature and Social Consequences Planned Rural Development Panchayati Raj
11 Urban Social Organisation 343 Concepts of Urban|^Urbanisation]and Urbanism Rural-urban Differences: Demographic and Socio-cultural Characteristics
Rural-urban Interaction Is Indian Society Moving from 'Rural' to 'Urban' Urban Social Organisation: Continuity and Change Stratification and Social Mobility in Urban Communities Ethnic Diversity and Community Integration Urban Neighbourhoods Problems of Urban Society De-urbanisation of Cities and Urbanisation of Villages
t 12 Population Dynamics ^ 370 Demographic Analysis Population Explosion Theoretical Explanations of Population Growth and Control
Population Policy Family Planning Measures Suggested to Control Population Explosion •
13 Corruption Concept Corruption: A Historical Perspective Corruption Among Public Servants Political Corruption and Scandals Causes of Corruption Impact of Corruption The Legislation Measures Taken to Contain Corruption Various Commissions on Corruption of Politicians and Public Companies Combating Corruption
14 Black Money The Concept Magnitude of Prevalence Causes of Generating Black Money Economic Impact
Social Effects
Measures of Control
15 Smuggling Concept and Nature The Magnitude Organised Smuggling 16 SociarChange and Modernisation 436 Social Change in India; Concept, Goals, Direction, and Resistances Planning and Social Change Factors of Planned Change Urbanisation and Industrialisation Social (reform) Movements Processes of Social Change Modernisation: Concept, Indicators, Nature and Problems


India -- Social conditions -- 1947.
Social ecology -- India.
Caste -- India.

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