Advances in heterocyclic chemistry/

Advances in heterocyclic chemistry/ - Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2005. - 323 p.

Orgnometallic compounds of furan, thiophene, and their benzannulated derivatives
I Introduction
II Organometallic compounds of furan
III Organometallic compounds of benzofurans
IV Organometallic compounds of thiophene
V Organometallic compounds of benzothiophenes
VI Conclusion

Monocyclic furazans and furoxans
I Introduction
II Parent compounds and monosubstituted furazans and furoxans
III Alkylfurazans and furoxans
IV Furazanic and -furoxanic acids
V Furazan and furoxan aldehydes and ketones
VI Halofurazans and -furoxans
VII Aminofurazans and -furoxans, azido derivatives
VIII Nitrofurazans and -furoxans
IX Azoxyfurazans and -furoxans
X Hydroxy, alkoxy, and aryloxy derivatives
XI Thioderivatives of furazans and furoxans
XII Conclusion

Tricyclic azoloquinolines
I Introduction
II Azoloquinolines
III Diazoloquinolines
IV Triazoloquinolines

Stereocontrolled additions to dihydropyridines and tetrahydropyridines: access to N-heterocyclic compounds related to natural products
I Introduction
II Addition reaction
III Cyclizations
IV Conclusion

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