The Feynman Lectures on Physics; Vol. 1.

Feynman, Richard P.

The Feynman Lectures on Physics; Vol. 1. - New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2006. - Varied ill. ; 29 cm.

v. 1. Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat --
v. 2. Mainly electromagnetism and matter --
v. 3. Quantum mechanics. Contents of vol. 1: Atoms in motion --
Basic physics --
The relation of physics to other sciences --
Conservation of energy --
Time and distance --
Probability --
The theory of gravitation --
Motion --
Newton's laws of dynamics --
Conservation of momentum --
Vectors --
Characteristics of force --
Work and potential energy --
Work and potential energy (conclusion) --
The special theory of relativity --
Relativistic energy and momentum --
Space-time --
Rotation in two dimensions --
Center of mass ; moment of inertia --
Rotation in space --
The harmonic oscillator --
Algebra --
Resonance --
Transients --
Linear systems and review --
The principle of least time --
Geometrical optics --
Electromagnetic radiation --
Interference --
Diffraction --
The origin of the refractive index --
Radiation damping. Light scattering --
Polarization --
Relativistic effects in radiation --
Color vision --
Mechanisms of seeing --
Quantum behavior --
The relation of wave and particle viewpoints --
The kinetic theory of gases --
The principles of statistical mechanics --
The Brownian movement --
Applications of kinetic theory --
Diffusion --
The laws of thermodynamics --
Illustrations of thermodynamics --
Ratchet and pawl --
Sound. The wave equation --
Beats --
Modes --
Harmonics --
Waves --
Symmetry in physical laws. Contents of vol. 2: Electromagnetism --
Differential calculus of vector fields --
Vector integral calculus --
Electrostatics --
Application of Gauss' law --
The electric field in various circumstances --
The electric field in various circumstances (continued) --
Electrostatic energy --
Electricity in the atmosphere --
Dielectrics --
Inside dielectrics --
Electrostatic analogs --
Magnetostatics --
The magnetic field in various situations --
The vector potential --
Induced currents --
The laws of induction --
The Maxwell equations --
The principle of least action --
Solutions of Maxwell's equations in free space --
Solutions of Maxwell's equations with currents and charges --
AC circuits --
Cavity resonators --
Waveguides --
Electrodynamics in relativistic notation --
Lorentz transformations of the fields --
Field energy and field momentum --
Electromagnetic mass --
The motion of charges in electric and magnetic fields --
The internal geometry of crystals --
Tensors --
Refractive index of dense materials --
Reflection from surfaces --
The magnetism of matter --
Paramagnetism and magnetic resonance --
Ferromagnetism --
Magnetic materials --
Elasticity --
Elastic materials --
The flow of dry water --
The flow of wet water --
Curved space. Contents of vol. 3: Quantum behavior --
The relation of wave and particle viewpoints --
Probability amplitudes --
Identical particles --
Spin one --
Spin one-half --
The dependence of amplitudes on time --
The Hamiltonian matrix --
The ammonia maser --
Other two-state systems --
More two-state systems --
The hyperfine splitting in hydrogen --
Propagation in a crystal lattice --
Semiconductors --
The independent particle approximation --
The dependence of amplitudes on position --
Symmetry and conservation laws --
Angular momentum --
The hydrogen atom and the periodic table --
Operators --
The Schrödinger equation in a classical context : a seminar on superconductivity --
Feynman's epilogue.


Quantum theory

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