Complete business statistics/

Aczel, Amir D.

Complete business statistics/ Amir D Aczel, Jayavel Sounderpandian - New Delhi: TBS, 2005. - 820 p.

1. Introduction and Descriptive Statistics
2. Probability
3 Random Variables
4. The Normal Distribution
5. Sampling and Sampling Distributions
6. Confidence Intervals
7. Hypothesis Testing
8. The Comparison of Two Populations
9 Analysis of Variance
10. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation
11. Multiple Regression and Correlation
12. Time Series, Forecasting, and Index Numbers
13. Quality Control and Improvement
14. Nonparametric Methods and Chi-Square Test
15. Bayesian Statistics and Decision Analysis
16. Sampling Methods
17. Multivariate Analysis
A: References
B: Answers to Most Odd-Numbered Problems
C: Statistical Tables


Commercial statistics
Business mathematics

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