Sports Medicine: Prevention, Assessment, Management, and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries

Irvin, Richard

Sports Medicine: Prevention, Assessment, Management, and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries Irvin, Richard - 2nd ed. - New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1998. - xxxvi, 588p. ill. ; 29 cm.

Part one : The prevention of athletic injuries. The preparticipation physical examination --
The warm-up period and athletic conditioning --
Protective and supportive equipment --
Part two : The management of athletic injuries. Taping and wrapping techniques --
Assessment of athletic injuries --
Emergency care and athletic first aid --
Therapeutic modalities and procedures --
Rehabilitation following surgery --
Part three : Specific athletic injuries and related problems. Inflammation, microtrauma, and stress-related injuries --
Epiphyseal injuries --
Head and face injuries --
Shoulder girdle injuries --
Arm and elbow joint injuries --
Throwing and tennis injuries to the shoulder and elbow --
Wrist and hand injuries --
Cervical and thoracic spine injuries --
Lumbar spine, pelvic, and hip injuries --
Chest, abdominal, and genital injuries --
Thigh, knee, and patellar injuries --
Lower leg, ankle, and foot injuries --
Injuries to the running athlete, particularly the long-distance runner --
Swimming injuries --
Part four : Other areas for consideration. The female athlete --
Athletes with disabilities --
Nutrition and the athlete --
Thermal injuries --
Illnesses and skin conditions --
Medications commonly used in athletics --
Appendix A : Medical abbreviations and symbols --
Appendix B : Anatomical landmarkes and directional references --


Sports medicine
Physical education and training
Athletic Injuries

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