Global capitalism : its fall and rise in the twentieth century/

Frieden, Jeffry A.

Global capitalism : its fall and rise in the twentieth century/ Jeffry A. Frieden - 1st ed. - New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006. - xvii, 556 p. ; 25 cm.

Foreword by Paul Kennedy
Prologue: Into the Twentieth Century
From mercantilism to free trade
From silver to gold
Threats to the global order
Last Best Years of the Golden Age, 1896/1914
1. Global Capitalism Triumphant
The gold standard reaffirmed
Specialization and growth
Globalism affirmed
2. Defenders of the Global Economy
Intellectual support for the golden age
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, 1840/1915
The free traders
Supporters of the golden pillars
Global networks for a global economy
The international migration of capital and people
Globalization dominant
3. Success Stories of the Golden Age
Britain overtaken
New technologies and the new industrialism
Protecting the infant industries
The areas of recent settlement
Growth in the tropics
Heckscher and Ohlin interpret the golden age
4. Failures of Development
King Leopold and the Congo
Colonialism and underdevelopment
Misrule and underdevelopment
Stagnation in Asia
Stagnation on the plantation
Obstacles to development
5. Problems of the Global Economy
Free trade or fair trade?
Winners and losers from trade
Silver threats among the gold
Labor and the classical order
The Gilded Age tarnished?
Things Fall Apart, 1914/1939
6. "All That Is Solid Melts into Air . . ."
Economic consequences of the Great War
Europe rebuilds
The twenties roar
America in isolation
A world restored?
Into the void
7. The World of Tomorrow
The new industries
The new corporations
The new multinational enterprises
Down on the farm
New societies
Advances and retreats
8. The Established Order Collapses
The end of the boom
Gold and the crisis
Out of the darkness
Out with the old . . .
9. The Turn to Autarky
Semi-industrial self-sufficiency
Schacht and the Nazis rebuild Germany
Autarkic economic policies
Europe swings to the right
Socialism in one country
Development turns inward
The autarkic alternative
10. Building a Social Democracy
Swedish and American roads to social democracy
Keynes and social democracy
Labor, capital, and social democracy
Social democracy and international cooperation
From the ashes
Together Again, 1939/1973
11. Reconstruction East and West
The United States leads the way
The immediate task
Dean Acheson, present at the creation
The United States and European reconstruction
The Soviet Union builds a bloc
Two syntheses
12. The Bretton Woods System in Action
Postwar growth accelerates
Jean Monnet and a United States of Europe
Bretton Woods in trade
The Bretton Woods monetary order in practice
International investment under Bretton Woods
Bretton Woods and the welfare state
The success of Bretton Woods
13. Decolonization and Development
Import-substituting industrialization
The rush to independence
ISI in theory and practice
Nehru leads India to industrialization
The Third World embraces ISI
The modern spread of industry
14. Socialism in Many Countries
The socialist world expands
The socialist world divides
The Chinese road
Socialism in the Third World
A socialist future?
15. The End of Bretton Woods
The compromises unravel
Challenges to trade and investment
Crises of import substitution
Socialism stagnates
End of an era
Globalization, 1973/2000
16. Crisis and Change
Oil and other shocks
The Volcker shock
Globalism triumphant
Regionalism and globalism
Global finance and national financial crises
17. Globalizers Victorious
New technologies, new ideas
Globalizing interests
George Soros makes markets
Trade unblocked
18. Countries Catch Up
Global production and national specialization
Export-led growth on the edge of Europe and Asia
East Asian and Latin American followers
The Marxist sociologist takes power
Eastern Europe joins the West
A new international division of labor
19. Countries Fall Behind
Reform and transition disappointed
Developmental disasters
The Zambian road
African catastrophe
Plague, destitution, and desperation
20. Global Capitalism Troubled
Financial fragility and the unholy trinity
"The three scariest words"
Global markets: ungoverned or unwanted?
A Note on Data and Sources


International economic relations -- History -- 20th century
Capitalism -- History -- 20th century

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