India: the emerging giant/

Panagariya, Arvind.

India: the emerging giant/ Arvind Panagariya - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008. - xxx, 514 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

I. Growth and Economic Reforms
1. Distinguishing Four Phases
2. Phase I (1951-65): Takeoff under a Liberal Regime
3. Phase II (1965-81): Socialism Strikes with Vengeance
4. Phase III (1981-88): Liberalization by Stealth
5. Phase IV (1988-06): Triumph of Liberalization
6. A Tale of Two Countries: India and the Republic of Korea
II. Poverty, Inequality and Economic Reforms
7. Declining Poverty: The Human Face of Reforms
8. Inequality: A Lesser Problem
III. Macroeconomics
9. Deficits and Debt: Is a Crisis around the Corner?
10. The External Sector: On the Road to Capital Account Convertibility?
11. The Financial Sector: Why Not Privatize the Banks?
IV. Transforming India
12. International Trade: Carrying Liberalization Forward
13. Industry & Services: Walking on Two Legs
14. Modernizing Agriculture
V. The Government
15. Tax Reform: Towards a Uniform Goods and Services Tax
16. Tackling Subsides and Reforming the Civil Service
17. Telecommunications and Electricity: Contrasting Experiences
18. Transportation: A solvable Problem
19. Health and Water Supply & Sanitation: Can the Government Deliver?
20. Education: Expenditures or Transfers?

019569709X 9780195315035

Economic history
Economic policy

320.954 / PAN/I
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