Islam in Africa and the Middle East: studies on conversion and renewal/

Islam in Africa and the Middle East: studies on conversion and renewal/ edited by Michel Abitbol and Amos Nadan. - Great Britian: Ashgate, 2007. - 304 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Variorum Collected Studies Series. .

Part One: History, Culture and Societies
I Toward a comparative study of Isiamization
Conversion la Islam, ed. N. Levtzion. New York: Holmes &
Meier Publishers Inc., 1979
II Conversion under Muslim domination: a comparative
Religious Change and Cullural Domination, ed. D.N. Lorenzen.
Mexico City: El Colegio Mexico, 1981
III Conversion to Islam in Syria and Palestine, and the
survival of Christian communities
Conversion and Continuit}': Indigenous Christian Communities
in Medieval Islamic Lands, Eighth to Eighteenth Centuiy,
eds M. Gervers and R.J. Bikhazi. Toronto: Pontifical Institute
of Mediaeval Studies, 1990
IV Aspects of Isiamization: Weber's observations on Islam
Max Weber and Islam, eds T.E. Huff and W. Schluchter.
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1999
V Islam in the Bitad al-Siidan to 1800
The Histoiy of Islam in Africa, eds N. Levtzion and R.L. Pouwels.
Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2000
VI Arab geographers, the Nile, and the history of Bilad
The Nile: Histories, Cultures, Myths, eds H. Erlich and
/. Gershoni. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2000
VII Islam in African and global contexts: adventures in
comparative studies of Islam
Prepared for a Conference on Islam in Africa: A Global
Cultural and Historical Perspective (Binghamton University,
19-22 April 2001)
VIII The Almoravids in the Sahara and BUctd al-Suddn: a
study in Arab historiography
Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 25. Jerusalem, 2001
IX Slavery and the slave trade in the early states of Bilad al-Sudan
Prepared for a conference on Islam, Slaveiy and Dia.tpora
(York University, 24-26 April 2003)
Part Two: Revivalism, Sufism and Fundamentalism
X Religious reform in eighteenth-century Morocco (with
Gideon Weigert)
Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 19. Jeru.salem, 1995
XI Eighteenth century Sufi brotherhoods: structural,
organisational and ritual changes
E.ssays on Scripture, Thought and Society, A Festschrift in
Honour of Anthony H. Johns, eds P.O. Ridded and T. Stivet.
Leiden: Brill, 1997
XII The Muslim holy cities as foci of Islamic revivalism in
the eighteenth century (with Gideon Weigert)
Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land, eds B.Z. Kedar and R.J.
Zwi IVerblowsky. Jeru.salem: The Israel .Academy of Sciences
and Humanities, and Basingstoke: Macmillan, I99H
XIII The dynamics of Sufi brotherhoods
The Public Spheie in Muslim Societies, eds M. Hoexter, S.N.
Eisenstadt and N. Levtzion. Albany, NY: SUNY, 2002
XIV Resurgent Islamic fundamentalism as an integrative
factor in the politics of Africa and the Middle East
Prepared for a Conference on Islam and the West: The African
Perspective (EvangeUsiche Akademie Locciim, 21-23 October
XV The role of SharT'a-oriented Sufi Tiiriiq in the renewal
and refonn movements of the 18th and 19th centuries
Prepared for the IVth International Conference on Islamic
Legal Studies: Law and Sufism (Murcia, 7 -10 May 2003)


Middle East
Islamic renewal
Muslim converts

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