Endless forms/

Endless forms/ edited by Daniel J. Howard, Stewart H. Berlocher. - 1st ed. - New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. - xii, 470 p. 26 cm.

PrefacePart I: History
1 Origins: A Brief History of Research on Speciation

Part II: Species Concepts
2 Linking Evolutionary Pattern and Process: The Relevance of Species Concepts for the Study of Speciation
3 Species and Speciation: Geography, Population Structure, Ecology, and Gene Trees
4 Species and the Diversity of Natural Groups
5 The General Lineage Concept of Species, Species Criteria, and the Process of Speciation: A Conceptual Unification and Terminological Recommendations

Part III: Geography, Ecology, and Population Structure
6 Theory and Models of Sympatric Speciation
7 On the Sympatric Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
8 Can Symatric Speciation via Host of Habitat Shift be Proven from Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Evidence?
9 Ecological Causes of Speciation
10 The Apple Maggot Fly, Rhagoletis Pomonella: Flies in the Face of Conventional Wisdom about Speciation
11 Evolution of Insect-Plant Associations: Sensory Perception and Receptor Modifications Direct Food Specialization and Host Shifts in Phytophagous Insects
12 The Evolution of Edaphic Endemics
13 The Relative Rate of Sympatric and Allopatric Speciation in Fishes: Tests Using DNA Sequence Divergence between Sister Species and among Clades
14 The First Stage of Speciation as Seen in Organisms Separated by the Isthmus of Panama
15 Rivers, Refuges, and Ridges: The Geography of Speciation of Amazonian Mammals

Part IV: Reproductive Barriers
16 Songs, Preproductive Isolation, and Speciation in Cryptic Species of Insects: A Case Study Using Green Lacewings
17 Reproductive Isolation in Sonoran Desert Drosophila: Testing the Limits of the Rules
18 Wolbachia and Speciation
19 Intergenomic Conflict, Interlocus Antagonistic Coevolution, and he Evolution of Reproductive Isolation
20 Species Formation and the Evolution of Gamete Recognition Loci
21 The Evolution of Barriers to Fertilization Between Closely Related Organisms

Part V: The Genetics of Speciation
22 The Genetics of Sexual Isolation
23 Sex Linkage and Speciation in Lepidoptera
24 The Role of Chromosomal Change in Speciation
25 The Genetics of Hybrid Male Sterility in Drosophila
26 Subtle is Nature: The Genetics of Species Differentiation and Speciation
27 The Genetics of Speciation: Promises and Prospects of Quantitative Trait Locus Mapping

Part VI: Hybrid Zones and Speciation
28 What Do Hybrid Zones in General, and the Chorthippus parallelus Zone in Particular, Tell Us about Speciation?
29 Paradigm Lost -- Natural Hubridization and Evolutionary Innovations
30 Mimicry and Warning Color at the Boundary Between Races and Species
31 Hybridization and Speciation in Darwin's Finches: The Role of Sexual Imprinting on a Culturally Transmitted Trait

Part VII: Perspectives
32 The Conceptual Radicalization of an Evolutionary Biologist
33 Unanswered Questions and Future Directions in the Study of Speciation



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