Encyclopedia of insects/

Encyclopedia of insects/ edited by Vincent H. Resh, Ring T. Carde - 1st ed. - Amsterdam: Academic Press, 2003. - 1266 p.

Contents by subject area xiii --
Contributors xvii --
Guide to the encyclopedia xxiii --
Foreword xxv --
Preface xxvii--
Accessory Glands / Diana E. Wheeler 1 --
Aestivation / Sinzo Masaki 3 --
Agricultural Entomology / Marcos Kogan, Ronald Prokopy 4 --
Amber / George Poinar Jr. 9 --
Anatomy: Head, Thorax, Abdomen, and Genitalia / David H. Headrick, Gordon Gordh 12 --
Antennae / Catherine Loudon 26 --
Ants / Nigel R. Franks 29 --
Aphids / John T. Sorenson 32 --
Apis Species / Eva Crane 37 --
Aposematic Coloration / Mathieu Joron 39 --
Apterygota / The Editors 45 --
Aquatic Habitats / Richard W. Merritt, J. Bruce Wallace 45 --
Archaeognatha / Helmut Sturm 57 --
Arthropoda and Related Groups / James H. Thorp 59 --
Auchenorrhyncha / Christopher H. Dietrich 66 --
Autohemorrhage / The Editors 74 --
Autotomy / The Editors 75 --
Beekeeping / Eva Crane 76 --
Bee Products / Eva Crane 82 --
Beeswax / Eva Crane 84 --
Biodiversity / Nigel E. Stork 85 --
Biogenic Amines / Arnd Baumann, Wolfgang Blenau, Joachim Erber 91 --
Biogeographical Patterns / Peter Zwick 94 --
Biological Control of Insect Pests / R.G. Van Driesche, M.S. Hoddle 103 --
Bioluminescence / James E. Lloyd, Erin C. Gentry 115 --
Biotechnology and Insects / Bryony C. Bonning 120 --
Blattodea / Donald G. Cochran 123 --
Blood Sucking / M.J. Lebane 127 --
Body Size / Christer Bjorkman, Mats W. Pettersson 130 --
Boll Weevil / R. Nelson Foster 132 --
Bombyx mori / Satoshi Takeda 133 --
Borers / Timothy D. Paine 135 --
Brain and Optic Lobes / Nicholas J. Strausfeld 137 --
Bubonic Plague / Irwin W. Sherman 147 --
Caste / Sean O'Donnell 151 --
Caterpillars / Frederick W. Stehr 154 --
Cat Fleas / Nancy C. Hinkle, Michael K. Rust 156 --
Cave Insects / Francis G. Howarth 158 --
Cell Culture / Dweight E. Lynn 163 --
Chemical Defense / Murray S. Blum 165 --
Chemoreception / B.K. Mitchell 169 --
Chiggers and Other Disease-Causing Mites / Larry G. Arlian 174 --
Chitin / Ephraim Cohen 179 --
Chromosomes / Graham C. Webb 180 --
Chrysalis / Frederick W. Stehr 185 --
Cicadas / Max S. Moulds 186 --
Circadian Rhythms / Terry L. Page 188 --
Circulatory System / Thomas A. Miller 192 --
Cocoon / Frederick W. Stehr 197 --
Codling Moth / Stephen C. Welter 198 --
Coevolution / Douglas J. Futuyma 199 --
Cold/Heat Protection / David L. Denlinger 204 --
Coleoptera / James K. Liebberr, Joseph V. McHugh 209 --
Collection and Preservation / Charles V. Covell, Jr. 230 --
Collembola / Kenneth A. Christiansen, Peter Bellinger 235 --
Colonies / Sean O'Donnell 239 --
Colorado Potato Beetle / George G. Kennedy 242 --
Coloration / Helen Ghiradella 244 --
Commercial Products from Insects / Michael E. Irwin, Gail E. Kampmeier 251 --
Conservation / Tim R. New 260 --
Crickets / Richard D. Alexander, Daniel Otte 265 --
Crypsis / Paul M. Brakefield 269 --
Cultural Entomology / James N. Hogue 273 --
Cuticle / Svend O. Andersen 281 --
Daddy-Long-Legs / Gonzalo Giribet 283 --
Dance Language / P. Kirk Visscher 284 --
DDT / Fumio Matsumura 288 --
Defensive Behavior / Justin O. Schmidt 289 --
Dengue / Thomas W. Scott 295 --
Dermaptera / Susan M. Rankin, James O. Palmer 297 --
Development, Hormonal Control of / Michael E. Adams 300 --
Diapause / David L. Denlinger 305 --
Digestion / Walter R. Terra 310 --
Digestive System / Walter R. Terra, Clelia Ferreira 313 --
Diplura / Robert T. Allen 323 --
Diptera / Richard W. Merritt, Gregory W. Courtney, Joe B. Keiper 324 --
Division of Labor in Insect Societies / Gene E. Robinson 340 --
Dog Heartworm / Edward G. Platzer 343 --
Dormancy / Richard E. Lee, Jr. 344 --
Drosophila melanogaster / Patrick M. O'Grady 345 --
Dung Beetles / James Ridsdill-Smith 348 --
Ecdysteroids / Michael E. Adams 352 --
Eggs / Diana E. Wheeler 355 --
Egg Coverings / Diana E. Wheeler 356 --
Embiidina / Edward S. Ross 358 --
Embryogenesis / Lisa Nagy, Miodrag Grbic 359 --
Endangered Insects / Scott Hoffinan Black, Mace Vaughan 364 --
Endopterygota / The Editors 369 --
Entomological Societies / Alan I. Kaplan 369 --
Ephemeroptera / John E. Brittain, Michel Sartori 373 --
Excretion / Timothy J. Bradley 380 --
Exopterygota / The Editors 387 --
Exoskeleton / Svend O. Andersen 387 --
Extension Entomology / Nancy C. Hinkle, Beverly Sparks, Linda J. Mason, Karen M. Vail 390 --
Eyes and Vision / Michael F. Land 393 --
Fat Body / Ephraim Cohen 407 --
Feeding Behavior / Reginald F. Chapman 409 --
Fire Ants / Les Greenberg 414 --
Flight / Michael Dickinson, Robert Dudley 416 --
Folk Beliefs and Superstitions / James N. Hogue 426 --
Food, Insects as / Gene R. DeFoliart 431 --
Forensic Entomology / M. Lee Goff 437 --
Forest Habitats / David L. Wood, Andrew J. Storer 442 --
Fossil Record / David Grimaldi 455 --
Gallmaking and Insects / Katherine N. Schick, Donald L. Dahlsten 464 --
Genetically Modified Plants / David A. Andow 466 --
Genetic Engineering / Peter W. Atkinson, David A. O'Brochta 471 --
Genetic Variation / George K. Roderick 478 --
Grassland Habitats / Teja Tscharntke, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Andreas Kruess, Carsten Thies 481 --
Greenhouse Gases, Global Warming, and Insects / Peter Stiling 486 --
Growth, Individual / Martin B. Berg, Richard W. Merritt 489 --
Grylloblattodea / D.C.F. Rentz 492 --
Gypsy Moth / Joseph S. Elkinton 493 --
Hearing / Jayne Yack, Ron Hoy 498 --
Hemolymph / Michael R. Kanost 505 --
Hibernation / Richard E. Lee, Jr. 508 --
History of Entomology / Edward H. Smith, Janet R. Smith 509 --
Homeostasis, Behavioral / P. Kirk Visscher 519 --
Honey / Eva Crane 521 --
Honeydew / Thomas E. Mittler, Anglea E. Douglas 523 --
Host Seeking, by Parasitoids / Ronald M. Weseloh 526 --
Host Seeking, for Plants / Elizabeth A. Bernays 529 --
House Fly / Gregory A. Dahlem 532 --
Hymenoptera / Donald L.J. Quicke 534 --
Hypermetamorphosis / John D. Pinto 546 --
Hyperparasitism / Daniel J. Sullivan 549 --
Imaginal Discs / Seth S. Blair 552 --
Immunology / Nancy E. Beckage 555 --
Industrial Melanism / Michael E.N. Majerus 560 --
Insecta, Overview / Vincent H. Resh, Ring T. Carde 564 --
Insecticides / Fumio Matsumura 566 --
Insecticide and Acaricide Resistance / Gregor J. Devine, Ian Denholn 569 --
Insectivorous Plants / Lewis J. Feldman 577 --
Insectivorous Vertebrates / The Editors 580 --
Insect Zoos / Leslie Saul-Gershenz 582 --
Integrated Pest Management / Ronald Prokopy, Marcos Kogan 589 --
Integument / Svend O. Andersen 595 --
Introduced Insects / Daniel Simberloff 597 --
Island Biogeography and Evolution / George K. Roderick, Rosemary G. Gillespie 602 --
Isoptera / Vernard R. Lewis 604 --
Japanese Beetle / David W. Held, Daniel A. Potter 609 --
June Beetles / Daniel A. Potter, David W. Held 610 --
Juvenile Hormones / Michael E. Adams 611 --
Lacewing --
see Neuroptera --
Ladybugs / Michael E.N. Majerus 618 --
Larva / Frederick W. Stehr 622 --
Learning / Daniel R. Papaj 624 --
Legs / Peter H. Adler 627 --
Lepidoptera / Jerry A. Powell 631 --
Lice, Human / Terri L. Meinking 664 --
Locusts / Reginald F. Chapman 666 --
Magnetic Sense / John Klotz, Rudolf Jander 670 --
Malaria / William K. Reisen 672 --
Mantodea / Lawrence E. Hurd 675 --
Mantophasmatodea / Klaus-Dieter Klass 677 --
Marine Insects / Lanna Cheng 679 --
Mating Behaviors / Darry T. Guynne 682 --
Mechanoreception / Andrew S. French, Paivi H. Torkkeli 689 --
Mecoptera / George W. Byers 690 --
Medical Entomology / John D. Edman 693 --
Medicine, Insects in / Ronald A. Sherman 698 --
Megaloptera / Norman H. Anderson 700 --
Metabolism / S. Nelson Thompson, R.K. Suarez 703 --
Metamorphosis / Frederick W. Stehr 707 --
Migration / Hugh Dingle 708 --
Mimicry / Mathieu Joron 714 --
Mites / Barry M. OConnor 726 --
Molting / Lynn M. Riddiford 733 --
Monarchs / Lincoln P. Brower 739 --
Mosquitoes / Bruce F. Eldridge 743 --
Mouthparts / Reginald F. Chapman 750 --
Movies, Insects in / May R. Berenbaum, Richard J. Leskosky 756 --
Muscle System / Robert Josephson 763 --
Museums and Display Collections / Gordon M. Nishida 768 --
Neosomy / Frank J. Radovsky 775 --
Neotropical African Bees / Orley R. Taylor 776 --
Nest Building / Robert L. Jeanne 778 --
Neuropeptides / Miriam Altstein 782 --
Neuroptera / Catherine A. Tauber, Maurice J. Tauber, Gilberto S. Albuquerque 785 --
Nomenclature and Classification, Principles of / F. Christian Thompson 798 --
Nutrition / S. Nelson Thompson, S.J. Simpson 807 --
Ocelli and Stemmata / Frederick W. Stehr 814 --
Odonata / K.J. Tennessen 814 --
Orientation / Ring T. Carde 823 --
Orthoptera / D.C.F. Rentz, You Ning Su 827 --
Ovarioles / Diana E. Wheeler 839 --
Oviposition Behavior / Marc J. Klowden 841 --
Parasitoids / Nick Mills 845 --
Parental Care / Michelle Pellissier Scott 848 --
Parthenogenesis / Lawrence R. Kirkendall, Benjamin Normark 851 --
Pathogens of Insects / Brian A. Federici 856 --
Phasmida / Erich H. Tilgner 865 --
Pheromones / Ring T. Carde, Jocelyn G. Millar 866 --
Phoresy / Marilyn A. Houck 873 --
Photography of Insects / Mark W. Moffett 875 --
Phthiraptera / Ronald A. Hellenthal, Roger D. Price 879 --
Phylogeny of Insects / Peter S. Cranston, Penny J. Gullan 882 --
Physical Control of Insect Pests / Charles Vincent, Bernard Panneton 898 --
Phytophagous Insects / Elizabeth A. Bernays 902 --
Phytotoxemia / Alexander H. Purcell 905 --
Plant Diseases and Insects / Alexander H. Purcell 907 --
Plant-insect interactions / J. Mark Scriber 912 --
Plecoptera / Kenneth W. Stewart 915 --
Pollination and pollinators / Gordon W. Frankie and Robbin W. Thorp 919 --
Pollution, insect response to / David M. Rosenberg and Vincent H. Resh 926 --
Polyembryony / Michael R. Strand 928 --
Population ecology / Joseph S. Elkinton 933 --
Predation/predatory insects / Ronald M. Weseloh 944 --
Prosorrhyncha / Carl W. Schaefer 947 --
Protura / Robert T. Allen 965 --
Psocoptera / Edward L. Mockford 966 --
Pterygota / The editors 969 --
Puddling behavior / Scott R. Smedley 969 --
Pupa and the puparium / Frederick W. Stehr 970 --
Raphidioptera / Ulrike Aspöck and Horst Aspöck 973 --
Rearing of insects / Norman C. Leppla 975 --
Recruitment communication / James F. A. Traniello 980 --
Regulatory entomology / Robert V. Dowell 988 --
Reproduction, female / Diana E. Wheeler 991 --
Reproduction, female: hormonal control of / Diana E. Wheeler 994 --
Reproduction, male / Marc J. Klowden 997 --
Reproduction, male: hormonal control of / Marc J. Klowden 999 --
Research tools, insects as / Kipling W. Will 1000 --
Respiratory system / Jon F. Harrison 1002 --
River blindness / Vincent H. Resh 1007 --
Rostrum / Reginald F. Chapman 1008 --
Royal jelly / Eva Crane 1009 --
Salivary glands / Gregory P. Walker 1011 --
Scales and setae / Shaun L. Winterton 1017 --
Scorpions / Stanley C. Williams 1020 --
Segmentation / Nipam H. Patel 1025 --
Sericulture / Satoshi Takeda 1027 --
Sex determination / Michael F. Antolin and Adam D. Henk 1029 --
Sexual selection / Kenneth Y. Kaneshiro 1032 --
Silk production / Catherine L. Craig 1038 --
Siphonaptera / Michael W. Hastriter and Michael F. Whiting 1040 --
Sociality / James E. Zablotny 1044 --
Soil habitats / Patricia J. Vittum 1053 --
Spermatheca / Marc J. Klowden 1059 --
Spiders / Rosemary G. Gillespie and Joseph C. Spagna 1060 --
Stamps, insects and / Charles V. Covell, Jr. 1073 --
Sterile insect technique / Jorge Hendrichs and Alan Robinson / 1074 --
Sternorrhyncha / Penny J. Gullan and Jon H. Martin 1079 --
Stored products as habitats / Rudy Plarre and Wendell E. Burkholder 1089 --
Strepsiptera / Michael F. Whiting 1094 --
Swimming, lake insects / Werner Nachtigall 1096 Swimming, stream insects / Bernhard Statzner 1098 --
Symbionts aiding digestion / Andreas Brune 1102 --
Symbionts, bacterial / Michael E.N. Majerus 1107 --
Teaching resources / John H. Acorn and Felix A.H. Sperling 1113 --
Temperature, effects on development and growth / Frantis̆ek Sehnal, Oldr̆ich Nedvĕd, and Vladimir Kos̆'ál 1116 --
Thermoregulation / Bernd Heinrich 1119 --
Thysanoptera / Laurence A. Mound 1127 --
Ticks / Daniel E. Sonenshine 1132 --
Tracheal system / Jon F. Harrison 1142 --
Trichoptera / John C. Morse 1145 --
Tsetse fly / Stephen G.A. Leak 1151 --
Urban habits / Michal K. Rust 1157 --
Venom / Justin O. Schmidt 1160 --
Veterinary entomology / Bradley A. Mullens 1163 --
Vibrational communication / Andrej C̆okl and Meta Virant-Doberlet 1167 --
Vitellogenesis / William H. Telfer 1171 --
Walking and jumping / Roy E. Ritzmann and Sasha N. Zill 1174 --
Wasps / Justin O. Schmidt 1179 --
Water and ion balance, hormonal control of / Thomas M. Clark 1183 --
Wings / Robin J. Wootton 1186 --
Wolbachia / Richard Stouthamer 1192 --
Yellow fever / Thomas P. Monath 1196 --
Zoonoses, arthropod-borne / Robert S. Lane 1198 --
Zoraptera / Michael S. Engel 1201 --
Zygentoma / Helmut Sturm 1203 --
Glossary 1207 --
Subject index 1227.


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